Is It Safe To Drink During Exercise

Is It Safe To Drink During Exercise
Is It Safe To Drink During Exercise

The state of the body's water balance is very important during physical activity that an athlete receives during intense training in the gym. Despite the fact that the question of the optimal amount of fluid consumed during sports remains open to this day, professionals are convinced that you still need to drink water in the gym.

Is it safe to drink during exercise
Is it safe to drink during exercise

You don't need to have a special medical background to understand how much the body gives off during intense exercise. But the result and the overall efficiency of the entire training cycle depend on the water balance. Severe fluid loss during exercise in the gym is somewhat similar to dehydration, when the general metabolic process is disrupted in all tissues and organs of the human body. With a sharp loss of fluid, which is especially important in a crowded or poorly ventilated gym, the level of muscle response decreases, which finds its expression in an unreasonable attack of fatigue. But not everything is as obvious as it might seem at first glance.

Drinking water in bodybuilding workouts

If an athlete visits the gym with the aim of building muscle mass, then restricting or completely avoiding water is not only not useful, but also clearly harmful. With a lack of water in the body, the access of protein compounds to the damaged muscle areas is disrupted, which simply complicates the growth of muscle mass itself. In addition, with intense sweating, the blood begins to thicken, which negatively affects the work of the heart muscle. After all, the heart will need much more effort to push the thick blood through the vessels. Small vessels near the surface of the skin remain practically without nutrition. This can be seen in a person exhausted by training, whose skin has a pale tint after severe overload.

The amount of water consumed during training should be clearly coordinated with the trainer, because excess water in the body is also harmful. It is best to quench your thirst in the hall with purified non-carbonated water, drinking small portions in several sips and only at moments of obvious discomfort, when a dry throat is felt.

Is it okay to drink water during cardio training?

If cardio training is performed in order to reduce weight, then it is also worth drinking water only in small sips. During those moments when the body is particularly hot, it is best to refrain from drinking cold liquids, as this can provoke a cold. In general, the water or special sports drinks brought into the hall should have a temperature close to the air temperature in the hall. It is not recommended to use lemonades and carbonated liquids.

Checking your body for dehydration while exercising is pretty easy. If the water balance is disturbed, a burning sensation in the stomach may occur. Also, during exercise, cramps in the trained muscle group may disturb. Also, if during classes in the hall there is hoarseness in the voice or discomfort during a conversation, then this signals a clear violation of the water-salt balance in the body.
