How To Become Mindful Through Meditation

How To Become Mindful Through Meditation
How To Become Mindful Through Meditation

Meditation is a special spiritual practice aimed at developing awareness, suppressing stressful emotions and strengthening immunity. Meditation has many positive aspects that effectively affect the functioning of the human body. Therefore, if you decide to try the practice of meditation, you have made the right choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle and self-development. The main thing is to practice regularly and give all of yourself to this type of practice.

How to become mindful through meditation
How to become mindful through meditation

If you still spend a lot of time in your dreams and not in real life, then you are not aware enough. Fortunately, mindfulness can and should be trained, and meditation is a great help in this matter. It has been scientifically proven that it is by doing meditation that a person becomes healthier, more conscious and more perfect. Therefore, each of us needs to resort to spiritual practices every day of our lives.

Where to start with mindfulness meditation? The first step is to learn how to concentrate on something. You can do this with the help of a mantra, your own breathing, creating certain images in your mind (for example, geometric shapes). It doesn't matter which one you choose from this list, the main thing is to learn to focus on this during meditation. When you begin to notice that your consciousness is defocused, then after you realize it, I will fight, return to the sending point, that is, to the object that you fixed in your consciousness for concentration.

How does it work in practice? Having decided on what you will concentrate on (breath, image, object), you should come to practical actions. Sit in a position that is comfortable for you. Professionals recommend practicing in the lotus position, but according to recent research, you can do meditation exercises from any position that is comfortable for you. Next, focus on the object of concentration and breathing, tracking each inhalation and exhalation. If you cannot do this, then just think about your breathing.

Where to meditate and for how long? Find a quiet place, at home or outdoors. Sit or stand in a comfortable position. Time to start with just 5 minutes on your timer. Focus on your breath, feel where you feel it (lips, chest, abdomen). If you cannot feel it, then place your hand on your body, and it, going up and down, will tell you how you breathe. Try to simply follow each inhalation and exhalation for 5 minutes without thinking about anything else. If you do get distracted, don't despair. This is normal for beginners. Just immediately return to the meditative state and continue to concentrate.

How to return to a conscious state at any time and get rid of emotional discomfort? Even if you are at school, work, or traveling, you can use meditation to stay mindful. To do this, you just need to conduct a mini-session of meditation, the length of which will be about 1 minute. You may not close your eyes and not leave society. Just concentrate on your breathing without thinking about anything else. And when you return to normal life again, you will see that your problems are almost completely neutralized.
