A beautiful abs is the dream of many. However, in order for the abdominal muscles to look great, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the training process. In particular, you need to know where to start pumping the press.

In general, you need to start any physical exercise only after you check your own health. There are severe limitations and some sports are highly injury-prone. For example, bodybuilding seems to be a safe sport, but most athletes have some form of injury caused by improper exercise and exercise technique.
Preparing the body
First, you need to track the general level of the body. If you are overweight, then it is better not to pump the press for now. Do isometric exercises first to get rid of unnecessary fat, and then you can start pulling your muscles. Slimmer people should also evaluate their physical capabilities. If you have not been involved in sports for a long time, then it is better to start with aerobic and warm-up exercises.
Otherwise, your body will receive tremendous stress. Moreover, if you immediately start serious training, ignoring the technique and preparatory exercises. Darkening of the eyes and severe muscle pain for a week are the least likely to happen. So run in the park for a few days, do simple stretching exercises, and only lightly load your abdominal muscles.
Those who are in good physical shape will also benefit from preparation. Do 50% of the planned program during the week, and only then move on to the base. You need to understand that in addition to physical discomfort, your motivation will also drop and it will be very difficult to force you to continue training.
Gradual increase in load
It is best to work with a trainer. He will create an optimal program for you and help you track the load you receive. Also, you can always turn to him for help if you suspect that you are doing the exercise incorrectly. However, not everyone has the opportunity to train with a trainer.
In order to pump the abdominal muscles, your load must gradually increase. The key word is gradually. That is, you do not need to jump from program to program, but you should not sit on the same exercises all the time. The optimal workout changeover time is 30 days (about 10 sessions).
It is best to use ready-made programs. There are classes designed for 4 months with a gradual increase in complexity. You can find many authoring courses.
At the beginning of classes, track the dynamics and your well-being. If you understand that after some exercise your side hurts badly, then you need to exclude it from the program for a while.