How Much Is It Useful For A Person To Go Through Daily

How Much Is It Useful For A Person To Go Through Daily
How Much Is It Useful For A Person To Go Through Daily

In the conditions of modern life, people are increasingly suffering from movement deficit. As a result of physical inactivity, various health problems arise. You can increase physical activity with the help of regular walking.

How much is it useful for a person to go through daily
How much is it useful for a person to go through daily

Hiking: effects on the body

Hiking in the fresh air is beneficial for the whole body. They perfectly train the cardiovascular system, improve metabolism, help to cope with the problem of excess weight, have a beneficial effect on the lungs and nervous system, and relieve depression.

By starting purposefully walking, you will sleep better, react less to various external stimuli, your blood pressure will return to normal, and your immune system will be strengthened. Do not forget that movement improves mood, muscle loads contribute to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which means that starting the day with a walk, you will ensure yourself a good mood for a long time.

Systematic walking: where to start?

Start walking, taking short distances. For example, getting to work in the morning by public transport, get out one or two stops before your office location. Estimate in advance the time you will spend on this route. A ten-minute walk every day in the morning can give the first positive results.

Having started walking, do not rush, do not seek to set any speed or time record, increase the distance gradually, adding 100-200 meters to it every day. Try to get pleasure from the movement, watch your emotions - they should only be positive.

So that nothing darkens your walks, think over the route in advance. It is good if it runs along a calm street, far from noisy highways. Also pay attention to your shoes, they should be light and comfortable.

Factors affecting the choice of load when organizing a walk

Some of the main factors affecting the length of your walks are your age and health. The good thing about walking is that it suits almost everyone, regardless of age. It is worth, of course, to take into account the state of your body. So, if, for example, you have heart problems, then before starting a recreational walk, you should consult with your doctor.

The older a person is, the more gradually he should be drawn into the process of recreational walking, starting with walking short distances (1-2 km) and raising the bar to 5-10 km per day. While walking, monitor your well-being, if it worsens, limit the load or stop it altogether, consult a doctor.

Pay attention to external factors as well. For example, if it is hot or cold outside, it is better to shorten the walk or cancel it altogether, waiting for more comfortable weather conditions. In the sultry summer, it is best to choose morning and evening for walks.

How much is it useful to walk?

There are many theories about how much you can and should walk. The numbers range from a few kilometers to twenty-five. According to doctors, a healthy person should be given at least 30 minutes of walking a day, preferably choosing a fairly fast pace of walking. But if for some reason this figure is unacceptable for you, start with 5-10 minutes, and you will feel the first positive results after a couple of weeks of systematic walking.

Time pressure and walking

Don't be discouraged if you have a busy schedule and very little time for hiking. Activities such as shopping or walking the dog can also be a worthy alternative to regular walking. Whenever possible, use less vehicle use. Pay attention to what you are doing during your lunch break - sitting at the computer or discussing any problems with colleagues? Try to find 15-20 minutes to walk and get some fresh air, and your well-being and performance will improve a lot.


Hiking is undoubtedly very beneficial. But this does not mean at all that you, in spite of everything, have to walk all the time. When choosing a particular duration and speed of walks, listen to your body. He will tell you how much and at what pace you need to walk.
