How To Prepare For A Skydive

How To Prepare For A Skydive
How To Prepare For A Skydive

Parachuting is very dangerous, and therefore you need to carefully prepare for each jump. It is not only about talking to experienced instructors and going through preliminary specialized training, but even about choosing clothes.

How to prepare for a skydive
How to prepare for a skydive

Not everyone is allowed to jump with a parachute. If your body weight is below 45 kg or above 95 kg, you will have to give up the jump. The same applies to people with diabetes, epilepsy, mental illness, hypertension, and diseases of the middle ear. In case of cardiovascular diseases and any disorders of the musculoskeletal system, you must first consult with your doctor and clarify whether you can jump with a parachute.

If it turns out that you are allowed to engage in such an extreme sport, go to the airfield and arrange the jump, and then start preparing. First of all, you need to choose the right clothes and shoes, since the safety of the jump will partly depend on this. Clothing should be tight, covering the entire body with the exception of the face. In this case, it is very important that the legs and sleeves fit as tightly as possible to the body. Shoes should be high with flat soles. There is one more very important requirement: neither the shoes nor the clothes should have parts that the parachutist can catch on the lines. We are talking about Velcro, hooks, protruding buttons, etc.

When going to the airfield on the day of the jump, bring some food and drinks with you. This will be appropriate if you have to spend a lot of time on registration, briefing, etc., and you get hungry. This is not about discomfort, but about safety: a person exhausted from hunger or thirst, who is also very anxious before the jump, may not be able to do everything right. However, in no case should you take alcoholic beverages with you or consume them on the day of the jump in order to gain courage. Believe me, it is very dangerous to jump with a parachute while intoxicated.

Immediately before the jump, the instructor will explain in detail to you what and how you will need to do. You will be told about the sequence of actions, about what gestures the releasing instructor will use to "talk" with you when you find yourself high above the ground and because of the roar of the plane you will not be able to hear the words. Try to remember everything they tell you. Don't worry, you will be working with experienced professionals who will be able to organize the jump in the best possible way and prevent unpleasant accidents.
