What Are The Results Of The Draw For The FIFA World Cup

What Are The Results Of The Draw For The FIFA World Cup
What Are The Results Of The Draw For The FIFA World Cup

The entire football world was looking forward to the first day of December 2017, because that was the date that was set for the final draw of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Thirty-two teams were divided into four baskets according to the world ranking. The presenters of the ceremony only had to determine the composition of eight quartets, which will make up the groups of the main football tournament of the four-year period.

What are the results of the draw for the 2018 FIFA World Cup
What are the results of the draw for the 2018 FIFA World Cup

All fans of the Russian football team were especially worried about Quartet A, in which, by right of the host country of the World Cup, the domestic national team led the group. The rivals of the Russian national team were two teams from Africa and one team from South America. The most difficult opponent for the Russians may turn out to be the Uruguay team. The other two teams in Quartet A are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

In group B, the favorites of the quartet will meet already in the first round. According to the draw, Portugal and Spain will contest the right to qualify for the playoffs. The rivals of these top European teams were the national teams of Morocco and Iran. Thus, in group B there were two European teams, one national team from Asia and a team from Africa.

The French were included in group C as the queen team. This quartet doesn't look intimidating. The rivals of the 1998 World Champions in the group stage will be the national teams of Australia, Peru and Denmark. According to the expectations of many, France should not experience problems with reaching the playoffs.

Lionel Messi and his Argentine national team ended up in Group D. One of the favorites of the tournament will play their first match with the main opening of the last EURO. The Icelandic national team qualified for the D quartet in second position. Croatian footballers will become a serious contender for the Argentines in the second match. The fourth team to qualify for Group D is Nigeria.

Five-time world champions ended up in Group E. Brazil will be opposed by two European teams (Switzerland and Serbia) and a very interesting Costa Rica team, which managed to break into the playoffs four years ago from the group with England, Italy and Uruguay.

Perhaps the most interesting and difficult in terms of the composition of the participants of the fat group F. From the first basket, the German national team got here. The rivals of the Germans in the group stage will be the Mexicans, the Swedes, who managed to stop the Italians on the way to the World Cup, and the participants of the semi-finals of the 2002 World Cup, the national team of South Korea.

In Group G, football fans will face a vivid confrontation between the national teams of Belgium and England. Most likely, these teams will compete for the first place in the quartet in the final match of the group stage in person. The rivals in Group G of these national teams will be the teams of Tunisia and Panama.

In Group H, the Polish national team was chosen by lot as the mother team. The Poles will play their first match in the tournament with a team from Senegal. Other members of the eighth quartet include the national teams of Colombia and Japan.
