Nobody canceled the proverb “They meet according to their clothes, they see them off according to their minds”. Until now, first impressions often have a decisive influence on how others think of you. Therefore, it is so important for a man to have strong, well-developed muscles, because the image of a real macho is still inextricably linked with the presence of effective muscles. Fortunately, getting your muscles tough and tough isn't that difficult.

It is necessary
- - Barbell;
- - dumbbells;
- - gymnastic bench;
- - crossbar.
Step 1
Barbell squats are great for strengthening your leg muscles. Place the barbell on your shoulders and lower it back slightly so that it rests on your deltoids. Keep your back straight, gaze straight ahead, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower the body, moving the pelvis back, as if sitting on a chair. Lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor, hold one count, and then rise to the starting position for three counts.
Step 2
The best exercise for developing back muscles is regular pull-ups. These are the ones that will help you build impressive muscle bumps. Grasp the bar with a straight grip shoulder-width apart. Arch your back slightly and flatten your shoulder blades. Legs can be crossed at the ankles and slightly bent. Pull your elbows towards your body until you touch the bar with your chin, then slowly lower yourself down. At the lowest point, do not relax your arms so as not to damage the long head of the triceps.
Step 3
Do different types of push-ups to firm and bulge your chest and arms. In addition to simple, habitual push-ups, you can do this exercise with your feet elevated. To bulk up the muscles, do push-ups with a clap under the chest or with an offset of the arms in a jump. Push-ups of different heights will help pump your arms even more efficiently.
Step 4
For biceps, use a dumbbell or barbell. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, the weight in the hands down. Calmly raise your hands, palms up, pulling the dumbbells or barbell to the shoulder joints. At the top point, linger and slowly lower your hands down. Do not relax by doing the lift, and do not throw your arms with weights down sharply. This can lead to injury to the ligaments of the elbow joint.
Step 5
For the biceps, do a French bench press. Lie on a gym bench. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on the bench. This will cause the lower back to be pressed firmly against the bench. Grab a barbell or dumbbells with a straight grip. Raise your elbows so that your forearms are strictly vertical and your elbow joint is directly over your shoulder. The burden is behind the head, palms facing up. Straighten your arms while lifting the weights. Hold at the top point and return to the starting position. Fix the position of your elbows. Don't let them drift apart during the climb.
Step 6
It is impossible to firm muscles without jogging. Even if you pump up some outstanding muscles, the layer of fat will give the impression of a blur and softness. To reduce subcutaneous fat, do aerobic exercise at least three times a week, for 40-60 minutes. Run at an average and fast pace, alternating between them.