A sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, addiction to fast food and alcohol - all this pretty spoils the waistline and hides the abdominal muscles behind a layer of fat. It is possible to regain its former shape only with the help of systematic training and adherence to a diet. The road will be mastered by the walker, but do not think that the cherished cubes will appear on the stomach after just a couple of months of training. To achieve visible results, you will have to sweat in the truest sense of the word.

It is necessary
Jump rope, exercise mat on the floor, drinking water and a towel to wipe sweat off your face
Step 1
You can burn fat from the press only with the help of an integrated approach: aerobic exercise and abdominal exercises should be combined in one program. Aerobic refers to the process associated with increased oxygen consumption by the body during respiration.
Step 2
Interval training, combining both aerobic sessions, and abdominal exercises will bring significantly more results than regular aerobics or just separate exercises aimed at the abdominal muscles.
Step 3
First of all, be sure to do a little warm-up before training, in any case, do not load unheated muscles. After warming up, proceed to the main program. Take a rope and jump over it for exactly one minute.
Step 4
After the jump rope set, lie on the floor and do ab exercises for 30 seconds. Then jump rope again for 1 minute. After the rope, do the abdominal exercises again (30 seconds). Thus, 17 minutes are given to jumping rope, and exercises for the press are performed for 8 minutes. The total workout time is 25 minutes.
Step 5
Exercises for the press include: pelvic raises, reverse, lateral, diagonal and straight crunches. The crunches are performed as follows: lie on a mat on the floor, bend your legs and lift them up so that they form a 90-degree angle. Fasten your hands behind your head and lift your upper body, feeling the contraction of the abdominal muscles.
Lateral crunches: In the starting position, bring the elbow of your hand to the opposite knee.
Reverse crunches: In the starting position, pull your knees towards your chest.
Step 6
Workouts alone are not enough to burn fat. Follow a diet - give up sweet and starchy foods, fatty and smoked foods. Cut out alcohol, especially beer - it whets your appetite. Eat more fish and fiber, and pay attention to vegetable oils and nuts.
Remember the rule familiar to everyone from childhood: chew food thoroughly, this prevents overeating and promotes healthy digestion.