How To Run Properly To Burn Fat

How To Run Properly To Burn Fat
How To Run Properly To Burn Fat

Jogging is one of the most popular types of training. It strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, promotes the elimination of toxins, and enriches the tissues of the body with oxygen. Plus, running is an effective way to lose weight and burn excess fat.

How to run properly to burn fat
How to run properly to burn fat

Jogging - running for weight loss

The body reacts differently to different running styles. Running fast builds muscle, slow running burns fat. For those who want to lose weight, jogging is best suited - jogging.

Jogging is a great way to get rid of a lot of appearance problems. Thanks to regular training, almost all the muscles in your body will be strengthened, fat will begin to burn even in the most difficult places for weight loss - on the hips and abdomen, and your figure will become toned and slender.

For all its advantages, jogging is contraindicated for people with diseases of the joints, kidneys and heart, progressive myopia, varicose veins, glaucoma. If you have any health problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting exercise.

How to run properly

The jogging technique is simple enough, but there are a number of subtleties you must consider for a good fat burning effect. It is very important to train regularly - 4-5 times a week. Start with small runs of 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of your workout to 50-60 minutes.

Before starting a workout, a warm-up warm-up is necessary. Then start running - run slowly for 2-3 minutes, fast for 1 minute. Then go to step for 2-3 minutes. Repeat this cycle several times. If you find it difficult, you can reduce the running time, but in the future, strive to increase the duration of the runs. After your workout, do some stretching exercises that will help your muscles ache less and your body will become more flexible.

The best place to train is a park - running on paved sidewalks can damage your joints. Plus, cross-country jogging will increase the load, which means that your workouts will be more effective.

The best time to exercise is early in the morning. At this time, the air in the city is as clean as possible, and your body after the night is set to burn fat. And if you are not lazy and give your body a good load, the fat burning effect will last 1-2 hours after a run.

The effectiveness of losing weight also depends on your breakfast after exercise. Within an hour after jogging, you can drink water - at least 500 ml. Then you can have breakfast. After running, which is an aerobic activity, it is necessary to restore the level of glycogen in the blood. Therefore, you can eat porridge in water and some protein product - an egg, chicken breast, fish, cheese, cottage cheese. The percentage of complex carbohydrates to protein should be approximately 60:40.

And one last tip: so that jogging does not seem boring to you, change the route once a week. And don't forget to update the music in your player!
