What Is The Best Martial Art

What Is The Best Martial Art
What Is The Best Martial Art

Due to the fact that each martial art has certain characteristics and its admirers, it is impossible to unequivocally single out any of the best of them. You can choose the most suitable method for you in accordance with your goals, as well as taking into account the level of your physical capabilities and type of temperament.

What is the best martial art
What is the best martial art

Martial arts: general information

It is customary to call martial arts systems of martial arts and self-defense. There are very different classifications of martial arts, depending on what is taken as a basis. For example, they can be classified according to where they appear, with oriental martial arts being a prime example.

Another classification option is in relation to weapons. Some combat systems actively use various types of edged weapons, as examples of karate, wushu and many other martial arts. Others avoid it - for example, aikido. However, protection against melee weapons is taught in almost any martial art.

Within the martial arts, there is a division into directions, styles, types and schools. In addition, in martial arts, there is often a division into internal and external styles. External ones are distinguished by aggressiveness, dynamism, showiness. In the internal, the main emphasis is on working with consciousness, mastering internal energy. For example, Tai Chi Chuan can be attributed to the inner school, and Qigong "Iron Shirt" to the external rigid system. It should be noted that in terms of combat, internal styles, for all their external softness and inexpressiveness, are in no way inferior to external ones.

Martial arts can also be divided into power and soft types. The former include sambo, Kyokushinkai karate, etc., the latter - aikido, wushu styles of Tai Chi Chuan, Bagua Chjan and some others.

Combat systems can be classified according to the arsenal of techniques used. In some, strikes (karate, wushu) prevail, in others - throws (sambo, aikido), while others use the entire arsenal - jiu-jitsu, combat sambo, army hand-to-hand combat and many others.

The most common types of martial arts

One of the most effective martial arts widespread in Russia is sambo. This type of struggle was created for closed use in power structures, to repel an attack from both an unarmed and an armed enemy. Sambo includes many techniques from various martial arts of different eras and peoples. This technique uses the simplest and most effective techniques.

Boxing is another common martial art. In this sport, a well-delivered blow or a combination of blows is important, which leave almost no chance for a weak opponent. Just keep in mind that boxing, like other types of martial arts, requires very serious training.

Among the oriental martial arts, Kyokushinkai karate occupies the leading position in popularity. This contact style includes a variety of striking techniques, as well as all sorts of blocking, effectively suppressing enemy attacks. Also in Kyokushinkai smashing of various objects is practiced. For this, the striking parts of the arms and legs are prepared for a long time using all kinds of stuffing. Karate classes train not only the body, they also temper the fighting spirit. The founder of Kyokushinkai karate, the famous master Masutatsu Oyama, combined the most effective fighting techniques in this style.

As for the effectiveness of aikido, this martial art justifies itself in real combat only after long training. One of the most effective versions of aikido is demonstrated in his films by the famous actor Steven Seagal, his style is quite tough, he has a percussion technique.

Many fans of martial arts are attracted by wushu, cinema played a big role in its popularization - films with Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan could leave few people indifferent. Among domestic systems, in addition to sambo, it is worth mentioning the Russian style of hand-to-hand combat. This is not the most spectacular, but very effective combat system developed by Alexei Kadochnikov. Everything in it is built on how to defeat the enemy with minimal effort.

Which combat system should you choose? Much depends on your interests and physical capabilities. If you are strong and tall, tough martial arts such as Kyokushinkai karate, boxing or sambo are perfect for you. In the event that you do not have high physical capabilities, choose martial arts in which the emphasis is not on strength, but on dexterity and perfected technique. It can be jiu-jitsu, Russian style, aikido, internal wushu styles.

Finally, you can recall the old truth - when choosing a martial art, a person very often chooses a path.
