Features Of Kendo As A Form Of Martial Art

Features Of Kendo As A Form Of Martial Art
Features Of Kendo As A Form Of Martial Art

Martial arts are divided into types, schools and styles - and each of them has its own differences and characteristics from each other. What, then, are these features in a style like Kendo?

Features of kendo as a form of martial art
Features of kendo as a form of martial art

The origin of Kendo

The history of kendo is as old as the Japanese people themselves. In the Middle Ages, sword fighting was the privilege of only samurai, boys were taught to wield a sword from an early age. But the origins of this art originate in China, it was the Chinese skill of fighting that brought the technique of fighting with cold weapons to Japanese soil. The Japanese, in turn, famous for their passion to bring everything to perfection, have perfected Chinese technology beyond recognition. They have created their own unique style.

Over time, the Chinese roots were completely abandoned, and the combat system was significantly improved and became truly Japanese.

Kendo secrets were passed from father to son, or student from teacher, and brilliant masters were glorified throughout Japan. So, for example, the Japanese to this day pronounce the name of Miyamoto Musashi with the deepest respect - he was the most outstanding master of the Middle Ages. The book "The Book of Five Rings", written by him, is still a manual for psychological preparation for kendo.

Combat style features

Kendo is, as you have already noticed, it is a fencing art that involves mastery of weapons. Of course, weapons mean non-firearms, but swords, which are called "Sinai". They are the very essence of this single combat - this is the absence of the right to make a mistake and the ability to skillfully control your body. Kendo fosters the ability to make non-standard and sudden decisions for the enemy.

The current version of Kendo allows only two types of blows - chopping and cutting. The former is applied to the head, wrist and torso, while the latter can only be applied to the throat. In competitions, points are awarded for the accuracy of the fighter and for compliance with the rules and conditions of the fight.

Many other martial arts involve performing some rituals such as "Kata" in which both teacher and student take part. Kendo is no exception to the rule.

A fighter's outfit consists of several elements - a head mask, protection for the arms and body, and a belt. During training and competition, athletes do not use any shoes. The sword used for combat - Sinai - is made from several polished bamboo stems with a steel plate inside. An athlete's skill indicator is his current dan, which must be proven in battle, but not more often than once a season.

At the moment, there are forty-five countries in the community of the International Kendo Federation, and the competition is held every three years.
