The body of each person is unique in its own way. It is known that when losing weight, the body does not always lose kilograms evenly. As a result, additional efforts are required to get rid of excess weight in problem areas. A special set of exercises will help to correct the shape of the calf muscles.

It is necessary
- - step platform;
- - skipping rope.
Step 1
Place the toes of your feet on a slight rise (thick book) with your heels resting on the floor surface. Get up on your toes now. Lock in this position for a count of 5. Gently return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
Step 2
To reduce the calf muscles, simple squats, which must be performed on toes, will help. Please note: when performing the exercise, special attention should be paid to balance. Squat this way for 5-7 minutes.
Step 3
Static exercises also give excellent results. Take the starting position - half squat. It should be noted that the fold angle must be at least 90 degrees. Fix in this position for 3-5 minutes.
Step 4
If you decide to reduce the size of your calf muscles through exercise, you should know that you should not swing your legs on machines. Use the proposed exercises only in combination. Also, give up any aerobic activity. Before starting your workout, focus on stretching your calf muscles.
Step 5
Stand with your right foot on a step platform. Leave your left foot on the surface of the floor. This is the starting position. Now place your left foot on the step, and then lower your right to the floor. Alternate between legs in this manner for 3-5 minutes. Perform the exercise at a fast pace.
Step 6
This exercise is aimed at stretching the calf muscles. Step forward with your hands on your buttocks. Bend your leg gradually. The leg that was left behind should rest on the floor. This position helps to effectively stretch both the back of the thigh and the calf muscles. Perform the exercise for 30 seconds, alternating legs.
Step 7
Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Gently pull the socks towards you, alternating your legs. This exercise may seem too simple at first, but you will be surprised how much effect you can get.
Step 8
Place your hands on the wall. Bend one leg at the knee. After that, put the shin of the other leg on top of it. In this position, lift your body weight on your toe 10-12 times. Perform the exercise at a slow pace. Change your legs.