What Martial Arts Exist

What Martial Arts Exist
What Martial Arts Exist

Martial arts are special sets of techniques and techniques for self-defense. Absolute mastery of any kind of martial arts can be considered an excellent way to emerge victorious in a fight with an opponent. There is a wide variety of martial arts.

What martial arts exist
What martial arts exist

Oriental martial arts

Karate (karate-do). One of the most popular martial arts both in Russia and all over the world. It is considered Japanese, although its history dates back to the distant island of Okinawa. Already in the 19th and 20th centuries. this type of martial arts has become widespread in the main archipelago of Japan. Gradually, most karate styles became less martial and more athletic. It is worth noting that the original Okinawan style was particularly brutal and had absolutely nothing to do with sports.

Kung Fu (Wushu). This collective term means a common name for a large number of Chinese martial arts. In Russia, the term "hand-to-hand combat" means everything that is associated with any kind of combat training. In China, all major martial arts are called "kung fu". Moreover, in this case, the term "wushu" is more familiar to the Chinese themselves.

Ju-jutsu (ju-jitsu). Given the historical data, ju-jutsu are the techniques of hand-to-hand combat of the Japanese samurai. As in karate, there are many styles of this martial art. The techniques and techniques have a lot in common with aikido, judo and karate.

Judo. In this period, this kind of martial art is a sporting fight. A technique and techniques based on ju-jutsu have been developed.

Aikido. It is the most popular descendant of Jiu Jitsu. This type of martial art is characterized by tactful unbalancing of the enemy. A variety of defense techniques and the use of the opponent's energy against himself are also encouraged.

Taekwondo (taekwondo). It is a Korean martial art with a variety of kick techniques. It is worth noting that there is a more combative and effective style of taekwondo keksul. Korean special forces are studying it. However, it is impossible to find an instructor for this type of martial art outside the country.

Muay Thai. This species is especially developed in Thailand. The main focus is on hard kicks with knees and elbows. This kind of martial art is very traumatic.

European and Russian martial arts

Boxing. This is one of the oldest martial arts in Europe. The main direction is to learn how to execute punches without special boxing gloves, so as not to injure the hand in the future. You also need to be able to defend against blows below the belt.

Savat (French boxing). This system is a kind of street fighting with a lot of trips, sweeps and kicks to the lower level.

Sambo. On the basis of national techniques of wrestling and judo, this system was created in the USSR. It is intended both for training in hand-to-hand combat for special representatives of power structures, and for sports.

Other types of martial arts include Krav Maga, Capoeira, Kickboxing, Combat Hopak, etc.
