Wrap With Cling Film For Cellulite: Myths And Reality

Wrap With Cling Film For Cellulite: Myths And Reality
Wrap With Cling Film For Cellulite: Myths And Reality

In an effort to get rid of cellulite, women often go to all kinds of measures, many of which are far from always effective. Wrapping with cling film is just such. But why is this method so popular?

Don't put high hopes on wraps
Don't put high hopes on wraps

The action of wraps with cling film

Myths about the effectiveness of cling film wraps have been replicated on the Internet and other media in huge numbers. This method is believed to help you lose weight and get rid of cellulite. Only those who are completely unfamiliar with physiology can believe in such a statement.

If you wind cling film on any part of the body, you can achieve a kind of "greenhouse effect". The skin will start to sweat intensely. If you are doing sports, sweating will only increase. One can hardly argue with this mechanism of action of the film, but what does it have to do with getting rid of cellulite? All that will happen to you is the loss of a certain amount of fluid. Drink a glass of water and everything will return to normal. Therefore, these manipulations will not have any effect on the notorious orange peel.

It helped a lot

Perhaps, in theory, you understand everything. But there are so many examples and illustrative photos of those on the network who were even helped by the cling film. How could this have happened?

The fact is that cellulite is very often accompanied by puffiness, which makes the thighs seem even more massive. Wraps with cling film help to get rid of excess liquid, and if the situation is not too critical, the visual effect will be evident. However, this result will never last. After a while, bumps and irregularities in problem areas will return to their place. At the same time, do not forget that external influence is far from the most optimal way to get rid of orange peel. It is much safer in the long term to drink more fluids and reduce salt intake.

How film can help fight cellulite

Think of cling film only as a small aid in the complex fight against cellulite. There will be no trace of this annoying problem if you eat right and do strength training. If you act in this way, then cosmetic procedures - massage, hardware technology, wraps - will only enhance the effect. In the latter case, cling film will help you. Mud, algal, clay wraps help smooth and tighten the skin. Note that it is the skin: they do not have a significant effect on fatty deposits and cellulite.

During the procedure, the product you use begins to dry quickly, and the effect is noticeably reduced. Apply the anti-cellulite composition to the skin and wrap the top with a film, then your "mask" will be moist, and the result is more noticeable.
