A beautiful body is a guarantee of health and attention of the people around you. Many athletes want to build muscle quickly, but this requires knowing the physiology of the body and preparing for hard training.

Step 1
For fast, high-quality gains in muscle mass, understand three things. You need to properly organize the training process, eat right and rest properly. To organize training, choose a room with as few simulators as possible. You will need free weights - dumbbells, barbells, as many pancakes as possible for them. And you also need power racks for squats and deadlifts, parallel bars and a horizontal bar. It's good if you find a good trainer, preferably a former weightlifter, who will show you the correct exercise technique, will not stuff you with all sorts of incomprehensible pills and force you to do 10 exercises per workout.
Step 2
Your training will consist of only three exercises. These are deadlifts, squats, and bench presses. Start with deadlifts. Holiday. Then do squats. Holiday. Then the bench press and two days of rest. Then everything is all over again. Those. you do just one exercise for each workout. It is very important to constantly increase the load and do it right. Increase the load as follows: each exercise you perform in 5 sets of 5 repetitions with a certain weight on the bar. As soon as you were able to perform all five approaches with high quality, without violating the technique of performing the exercise, feel free to add 5 kg to the barbell. And again, again, until you manage to complete 5 to 5. So, over time, you will reach impressive scales. Well, then think for yourself, if you press 140 kg., Do deadlift with a weight of 180 kg. and squat from 160 kg. will your muscle mass be small?
Step 3
Eat right. Eat more protein foods - chicken, beef, cottage cheese, fish. You will also need carbohydrates - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta. Drink natural juices and include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Drink green tea every day. It is a powerful antioxidant that can help you recover faster from hard workouts. Be sure to consume honey. It contains trace elements that are not found in other products. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. This is one of the prerequisites for high-quality restoration.