Sports Nutrition: Purpose And Contraindications

Sports Nutrition: Purpose And Contraindications
Sports Nutrition: Purpose And Contraindications

Video: Sports Nutrition: Purpose And Contraindications

Video: Sports Nutrition: Purpose And Contraindications
Video: Sports Nutrition: Fueling Your Best Performance 2024, October

All kinds of sports nutrition can be confusing for any beginner. What contraindications do sports nutrition have, and how to use it correctly, without harming the body and achieving good results.

Sports nutrition: purpose and contraindications
Sports nutrition: purpose and contraindications

The first supplements to enrich the daily diet of athletes were developed by the American scientist Karl Renborg in 1934. These were mixtures containing a complex of vitamins and elements. As a basis, plant components were taken that grow in rich soils with a large amount of minerals in the composition. Currently, sports nutrition is a whole separate niche of goods, represented by a wide range of both manufacturers and supplements.

The type and composition is selected depending on the kind of sport that the person is engaged in, the intensity of the load, the frequency of training and the desired result. There are different types of food - gainers, proteins, creatines, and more. Types of sports nutrition and their purpose Gainers are aimed at gaining muscle mass and are intended for people who do not have it by nature and cannot gain it using only exercise complexes and sports diets. This composition is a balanced protein-carbohydrate mixture. The richness of carbohydrates allows the body to build muscles better, recovering faster and being saturated with amino acids at the same time, the effect of this nutrition has a long-term effect. The use of weight gainers is also recommended for people engaged in vigorous aerobic exercise or those who need to gain mass quickly, and at the same time, some body fat will not harm them. It is not recommended to use this type of diet for people with the goal of burning fat, those who plan to adhere to the existing muscle mass, as well as athletes who are potentially obese. The mixture is diluted in water or low fat milk and taken one hour before training and between meals. The results shown by the use of gainers in practice are 2-3 kilograms of muscle mass per month.

The next type is creatine, which is also a protein blend, but has different purposes. This composition increases the overall endurance of the body and the ability to handle heavy loads. Designed for people who prefer heavy but short loads - swimming at speed, running short distances, powerlifting, bodybuilding. Prevents the formation of lactic acid too quickly. It is also recommended for active elderly people, due to the decrease in protein content in the body with age, and for vegetarians who do not get enough protein in their daily diet. With active training, creatine allows you to burn fat faster, converting it into muscle. Creatine is a sports nutrition that can only cause side effects when used by people with kidney failure, asthma or diabetes. Also, the drug contributes to some water retention in the body, due to its special protein composition. Creatine is consumed from one to three servings per day, diluted in water. There is such a type of nutrition as proteins - there are almost no fats and carbohydrates in the composition, but the protein content is increased. Such a composition is used for an active set of muscle mass, without the appearance of a fat layer. It is taken 2-3 times a day, on a training day - 1 hour before and 30 minutes after training. There are only two cases when protein can pose a real danger to the health of the body - in people suffering from kidney failure or intolerance to protein ingredients. Since protein blends are made from organic purified protein, there is simply no age limit for their use. Also, statements that the use of such mixtures harm the kidneys and liver are absolutely unjustified, unless, of course, the disturbances in their work were caused by any other reasons. Sports chocolate is another interesting specialty food. Such a bar is quite capable of replacing one full meal during the day. Various compositions and ratios of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sugars and sugar substitutes allow you to choose from this range something suitable for each individual athlete. This is the kind of sports nutrition, there are simply no contraindications to the use of which, it can be used in any workout, it remains only to choose the right composition, and, of course, not to neglect good nutrition. There is also such a category as isotonic drinks. This type of sports formulation is even presented in regular supermarkets, but, of course, this kind of it does not have much effect. A professional isotonic drink quickly replenishes the body's water-salt balance, energizes during the training itself and allows the body to recover faster after its completion. The composition contains salts, glucose polymers, aromatic and flavoring substances. This type of additive is presented both in finished form and in the form of concentrates and powders.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the drugs intended for all-round strengthening - these are all kinds of immunomodulators, mixtures that strengthen the liver, normalize digestion, improve sleep, brain activity, male strength and much, much more. The range of such products is constantly expanding, companies producing sports nutrition try to cover all existing areas of the body's activity - from the smallest to life-supporting ones. It should certainly be noted that there are compounds designed to strengthen and prevent injuries to joints, muscles, ligaments. These supplements contain a large amount of balanced micronutrients, which is very important for serious athletes and people who carefully monitor their appearance and health. Thus, it becomes clear that modern manufacturers of sports nutrition have tried to cover all the problems that arise both for novice athletes and for sharks of all kinds of heavy loads. Contraindications, which can often be heard from the uninitiated, turn out to be completely unjustified, which has been proven by professionals from their own experience. It remains only to correctly select the type of food for the expected result and strictly adhere to the rules of use described on the packaging and official websites of the manufacturers.
