Many people believe that it is impossible to lose weight with the help of yoga. This is not entirely true, but putting the body in order with the help of yoga requires a more comprehensive approach than other types of physical activity.

Comprehensive benefits of yoga
Of course, yoga can be viewed simply as not too energy-intensive physical activity, in which case it is really not very effective for losing weight. But if you treat it as a way to bring the body into a harmonious state, in which the normalization of weight is one of the necessary processes, yoga is perceived in a completely different way.
There are dynamic and strength yoga styles, for example, Bikram Yoga or Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, during which they burn calories quite quickly. However, the effectiveness of yoga does not lie in the plane of the body, the whole point is in how you work with your consciousness, since it is this that is a powerful tool for changing the body and life. People who do not know how to control their minds often break and spoil their lives, being in constant negativity. Yoga changes the view of the world, makes it calmer and more positive.
If you seriously start doing yoga, after a month or two you will become much more cheerful, since static yoga perfectly tones the body, strengthens the muscles and blood vessels, and makes them elastic. The developed muscles provide high nerve conduction and good blood supply, in addition, various congestions in the tissues of the body are eliminated. It strengthens and preserves health and youth. The body becomes flexible and energy flows through it much faster, normalizing all systems. Thanks to this, the body begins to properly spend all the resources that come from outside and the resources available to it, for example, stop accumulating fat.
The effect of regular exercise
Regular yoga contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins and toxins, thanks to the deep effect of static asanas on the internal organs and muscles. It can be considered a massage that improves the functioning of all body systems, stimulates the cleansing process and gently removes all waste. Such cleansing is quite effective in getting rid of excess weight, since one of its causes is the accumulation of toxins and toxins in the body.
Most people who regularly practice yoga change their eating habits quite quickly by increasing their intake of natural foods, for example, fruits, grains, vegetables, and so on. Food of this kind does not lead to a set of extra pounds, since it is not very high in calories. Unlike a variety of factory sweets and baked goods, it is almost impossible to "overeat" such food.