Should You Use Body Massagers To Lose Weight?

Should You Use Body Massagers To Lose Weight?
Should You Use Body Massagers To Lose Weight?

Body sculptor, effective fitness for the lazy - this is how body massagers are called. In some cases, this is nothing more than an advertising gimmick designed to attract the attention of those who are losing weight. In others, it is a real opportunity to lose a couple of extra centimeters.

Should you use body massagers to lose weight?
Should you use body massagers to lose weight?

How fat is burned

The main goal of those who seek to correct their figure is to remove excess fat and shape the muscles, in this sequence. The mechanism of fat burning looks like this: in the process of active muscle work, the body needs energy. He takes fats from his reserves, throws them into the blood, and as a result of chemical reactions, the fat is burned, giving away the necessary energy. Thus, for the active combustion of fats, physical activity is required, which cannot be expected from massagers.

How the massager works

There are a huge number of varieties of body massagers: vacuum, ultrasonic, vibration and heat massagers, muscle stimulators, hardware massagers. Due to their ease of use, they can be used even at home, without spending money on fitness centers. Despite the tempting and ease of use of weight loss massagers, you need to remember that they have one thing in common: the massagers work locally. However, the body does not choose one specific place where it will spend fats. Substances that activate the breakdown of hated stocks act on the entire body as a whole. Against the background of this fact, the promises of a flat tummy or toned buttocks in a couple of weeks of using the massager sound unrealistic. Of course, massagers enhance metabolic processes, remove excess fluid from the body, improve blood circulation and skin condition, and tone it after a course of procedures. All this helps to reduce edema and, as a result, the loss of unnecessary centimeters. Nevertheless, it is not worth considering massage as a panacea for excess weight.

Massage will get rid of cellulite

A separate question - is the massager able to get rid of cellulite? Able if you follow the main principle of dealing with orange peel: regularity. It is advisable to pay attention to problem areas daily and warm up the body each time before the massage procedure. A hot bath, shower or sauna, and exercise can help warm up. Vacuum and vibration massagers will have a particularly detrimental effect on cellulite bumps, as a result of which the structure of deposits is disturbed, and the skin becomes smoother.

Complex only

Ideal body parameters can be achieved only with the help of an integrated approach to your figure: work to burn fat, and not just to remove excess fluid; observe proper nutrition; spend more time outdoors and take care of the beauty of the skin using special products, including body massagers.
