It is better to master the practice of yoga under the guidance of a trainer - this is the only way you can control the correctness of the poses and hold them for the required time. But if you do not have the opportunity to train in a group, you can try to train at home.

Step 1
Take some trial lessons. Contact a specialist and complete at least an initial training course - so you will be sure that you will not harm your health. Having mastered the basic asanas and understanding the essence of the practice, go home to self-training.
Step 2
Get everything you need. Prepare a place for study - it should be bright, fresh and spacious. Be sure to buy a quality yoga mat, because the quality of the exercise and the effectiveness of all workouts depend on it. Clothing should be comfortable, well-stretched and made from natural materials. You will be barefoot, so you won't need special shoes.
Step 3
Choose a convenient time. It is very important for yoga practice that classes are held at the same time every day, so think about when you could practice on any day of the week (weekdays and weekends). It is most convenient to exercise in the morning, before breakfast. But if you are a beginner, then it will be difficult for you to study in the morning and you cannot avoid fatigue. Therefore, for the first couple of months, work out in the afternoon or in the evening - the body will already be warmed up, and you will not need to keep working in the afternoon.
Step 4
Exercise on an empty stomach. Yoga requires clarity of thought and full concentration on your feelings and emotions - it is unrealistic to do this with a full stomach. If you have eaten abundantly, then wait at least 3-4 hours (during this time the food will be digested and the body will not be "distracted"). If you have had a light snack, a two-hour break will suffice. If you just drank a glass of tea or juice, then in half an hour you can start training. After class, do not eat for at least an hour.
Step 5
Develop self-discipline. Self-study is not suitable for people who are not demanding of themselves, so learn self-discipline - set a goal and go towards it, no matter what. Over time, regular exercise will become a habit, and you will not have to struggle with your own desires - you will learn how to allocate time more competently. Always remember that yoga is very beneficial for your health, it helps you cope with illness, overcome difficulties, teach patience and wisdom.