Yoga In Your Home

Yoga In Your Home
Yoga In Your Home

Yoga should be practiced in the same way as constantly sleeping and eating. If you do yoga only twice a week, this will not be enough for yoga to give you all its beneficial effects. You will feel a little better, but it will not last long, since you need to devote 2-3 hours to yoga every day. But, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to find so much time for classes, because there is still a family, work, friends, and it turns out that there is practically no free time left.

Yoga in your home
Yoga in your home

What time to choose for yoga practice at home?

Of course, it is preferable to do yoga in the morning, as you will get an energy boost for the whole day. However, not everyone can do it right away to change their regime so as to wake up two hours earlier. You need to know that the most important factor in such activities is that they should not bring you stress, but, on the contrary, yoga should relieve you of it. If you can't get up in the morning, try moving your yoga class to the evening. This option is much better than not getting enough sleep every day and being nervous because of it. Choose for yourself the optimal time that suits you best and practice yoga calmly.

A place for home activities

It is imperative that the place for studying should be warm, clean and quiet. In addition, it is very important to consider calmness during class. It is better to do yoga alone, because at this time your psyche becomes quite sensitive, and unexpected stimuli can unsettle you for a long time.

Also, you can not freeze during yoga, as in this case you will not be able to practice. Any discomfort will greatly distract you, and you will no longer be able to tune in. Plus, you run the risk of catching a cold or pulling on your ligaments and muscles.

Regularity of self-practice yoga

The main thing is consistency. This is the most important factor in doing yoga on your own, but it can be said to be the most difficult at the same time. It is not easy to psychologically change your life by incorporating two hours into it. Therefore, to begin with, think about how much strength you have for such regular activities. For example, let it be 15 minutes a day. You can always take such time for your beloved.

Try to do yoga on your own every day. Perhaps you have enough time for only four poses, but you will do them with full dedication. Then add gradually the time and number of poses.

Set aside some time for each pose. And do not try to master many poses at once, because classes should bring you pleasure, and not fatigue and negativity. For a beginner, 15 minutes a day is enough to master the basic complex of poses. Repeat the same exercises day after day, and when it becomes a habit, move on to a complex that takes 30 minutes of your time.

Remember positive thoughts. If you miss class for any reason, don't blame yourself. Think good and just keep practicing as before. It is very important not to forget that yoga includes not only postures, but also meditation. You should enjoy a moment of relaxation while exercising and breathe deeply. After a while, you yourself will not notice how to enter the desired practice mode. Show stability and exercise regularly so that in the future you will feel noticeable improvements in your body, because doing yoga at home strengthens your health and cheers you up.
