With the onset of the summer season, every woman wants to wear open skirts and shorts, showing beautiful and slender legs, but at the same time not everyone is happy with their appearance. Sometimes your legs are not slender enough, not muscular enough or straight - but the beauty of your legs depends only on yourself. You can make an effort to look your best, and with regular exercise over a period of time, you can improve the shape and appearance of your legs.

Step 1
To shape your legs, you should regularly do muscle-improving exercises, repeating each at least ten times. To increase the volume of the thigh muscles, pick up a heavy medicine ball, weighing no more than 3-5 kg, and squat. Rest for 20 seconds from time to time, then continue squatting. Do 10 squats in total.
Step 2
The following exercise will help you to do a partner who should press on your shoulders for 10 seconds while you are standing on bent legs. Divide the exercise into three parts, resting 20 seconds before each part.
Step 3
Perform jumps up from a full squat 5-6 times continuously, repeating a series of jumps several times with a rest of 30 seconds.
Step 4
Cycling and indoor cycling can also help you shape your hips. Climb a hill or increase the load on the machine for a minute. Then rest.
Step 5
To eliminate the unevenness of the thighs on the inside and remove the gap that appears between the thighs in a standing position, you can do special exercises while lying on your back. Bend your knees in a prone position, spread them to the sides and place them on the floor.
Step 6
Put your hands on the inner thighs and connect your knees, overcoming the resistance of the hands, 6-8 times per series. It is also useful in a prone position to squeeze an inflatable ball with your knees for 5-7 seconds, repeating the exercise five times in a row. Then try to squeeze the ball not with your knees, but with your feet.
Step 7
To give more relief to the muscles of the lower leg, rise on your toes, holding your hands behind the back of the chair. Rise on your toes alternately, standing first on one leg, then on the other. Also, upward jumps, which must be performed without bending your legs, will help you to strengthen the muscles of the lower leg.