How To Remove The Belly And Sides Of A Man After 30 Years

How To Remove The Belly And Sides Of A Man After 30 Years
How To Remove The Belly And Sides Of A Man After 30 Years

A voluminous belly and folds on the sides can ruin even the most perfect male figure. The situation worsens with age - after 30 years, the metabolism slows down, and physical activity decreases. To remedy the situation, you need to act in a complex way, connecting a reasonable diet, exercising in the gym, taking vitamins and minerals.

How to remove the belly and sides of a man after 30 years
How to remove the belly and sides of a man after 30 years

Features of the male body: where to start

A woman who wants to find a thin waist usually goes on a rigid diet. However, this simple recipe will not work for a man. During fasting, the body actively loses not only fat, but also muscle mass. As a result, the skin becomes flaccid and flabby, the beautiful relief disappears. To lose weight and get rid of unnecessary body fat without losing muscle volume, you will have to follow a special diet high in protein and a minimum of fast carbohydrates. It is better to exclude hungry days, success can be achieved with proper nutrition for several months.

Along with the diet, intense training begins. The minimum program is a daily fifteen-minute gymnastics, 3 gym sessions per week and intense cardio workouts in between. The more intense the load, the more nutritious the diet should be.

Intensive strength training can help reduce subcutaneous fat and burn dangerous visceral fat. It is better to start classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will help you correctly calculate the load and avoid injuries.

Balanced diet

Fiber-rich foods will help get rid of the belly and sides:

  • fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • whole grain cereals (especially buckwheat and pearl barley);
  • wheat and rye bran.

Low-fat meats (poultry, rabbit, veal), lean sea fish, low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, mild cheese) will become a valuable source of protein. The menu must include nuts, dried fruits and seaweed, which saturate the body with iodine, selenium, potassium and zinc, which are essential for men's health.

From the diet, you need to remove foods rich in fast carbohydrates and hydrogenated fats. They promote obesity, inhibit metabolism and slow down the process of weight loss. Hazardous products include:

  • smoked meats, sausages, meat delicacies;
  • fatty meats;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • fast food;
  • industrial sweets;
  • carbonated drinks and packaged juices;
  • white bread and baked goods.

Avoiding alcohol, including beer, is mandatory. Malt-based drinks are rich in phytoestrogens, which increase body fat and promote belly growth. Instead of beer, you should drink homemade fruit drinks and fruit drinks, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, still water. The daily rate is 1.5-2 liters.

Improving your figure will help food that accelerates the production of the main male hormone testosterone. It helps build muscle and shed fat. Spicy herbs (parsley, tarragon, basil), red pepper, fresh ginger, unrefined olive, corn and sunflower oils, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, avocados, seafood, fresh and canned tomatoes, garlic and mushrooms are especially useful for men over 30.

Proper handling can help make food healthier. Products are best baked in their own juice, cooked in the oven, grilled or steamed. Multivitamins can supplement the diet. For men, complexes with the content of potassium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, iron and selenium are useful. Vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, tocopherol are required. One meal (such as breakfast) can be replaced with a low-calorie protein shake made with water or milk.

Power loads

Lifting weights speeds up metabolism and increases calorie expenditure. As a result, a man not only loses fat in the sides and abdomen, but also builds up the coveted abs, strengthens the muscles of the back, arms and legs. Active burning of calories continues after exercise. An additional plus is the activation of testosterone production, which is especially important for men after 30 years.

You need to start strength training with a cardio workout. Ten-minute classes on a stepper, stationary bike, treadmill are suitable. Then you can start exercising on simulators. It is recommended for beginners to perform 10-20 movements in 1 approach, gradually the number of sets increases to 3.

Twisting from a lying position on the floor or bench will help strengthen the abs. The plank posture perfectly strengthens the press, with an alternating stand on outstretched arms and elbows. Side crunches, bends with dumbbells and twists with a barbell on the shoulders or at the chest will help to remove the sides. Exercises are performed at a fast pace. When the amount of fat decreases, you can slow down the pace - this mode helps to build muscle as soon as possible.

Cardio load to reduce the abdomen

Daily cardio exercises will help you lose weight and strengthen your abs. For men, cycling, jogging in rough terrain, swimming in a pool or open water are useful. If there are problems with ligaments, running should be replaced by race walking. You need to do at least half an hour, preferably in the morning.
