Do I Need To Run In The Morning

Do I Need To Run In The Morning
Do I Need To Run In The Morning

Those who strive to lead a healthy and healthy lifestyle often have to make time for sports in their busy work schedule. One of the best and easiest ways to keep fit is by jogging. For beginner runners, the question often arises: what time of day is the most preferable for such workouts? Is it obligatory to conduct classes in the morning hours?

Do I need to run in the morning
Do I need to run in the morning

When is the best time to run?

The question of when to go jogging, in the morning or in the evening, a person decides, based on his preferences and the usual daily routine. People start their day in different ways. Some people like to cheer up with a cup of aromatic coffee, others try to do morning exercises right after waking up and do a light jog.

Opponents of running in the morning sometimes put forward as an argument the fact that after waking up, the body has not yet had time to properly tune in to physical activity and simply did not wake up. In this case, morning jogging, they believe, is harmful and becomes a source of additional stress.

Proponents of this opinion either give up physical activity altogether, or go for a run in the evening.

Experienced runners, in turn, believe that jogging in the morning can bring the body out of sleepiness, energize and give the strength that a person needs during the working day. A brisk run after waking up makes it possible to tone up and prevent the onset of fatigue, which could otherwise fall on a person by lunchtime.

Tips for Beginner Runners

Today, any educated person will agree that running brings health and has a beneficial effect on body functions. But it should be borne in mind that each organism is individual, as well as its ability to adapt to stress. The biological rhythms of people can also be different. To make the right decision about when to run, you must also take into account your health and age.

A consultation with an experienced doctor will help you decide on a running training regimen. It is easier for a specialist to objectively assess your level of readiness and identify possible contraindications. It may turn out that the state of your body is generally incompatible with either morning or evening jogging.

It is recommended that you stop running in the morning if you are not getting enough sleep, are feeling unwell, or have signs of a cold.

If you choose to run in the morning, try to start exercising not immediately after getting out of bed, but only after a ten-minute warm-up. Do some flexibility and breathing exercises. Stretch your joints, warm up your leg muscles. It is best to perform such exercises not in a stuffy room, but in the fresh air.

Strive to have at least a half hour break between the end of your run and breakfast. This time can be used for water and hygiene procedures, tidying up yourself and your home. It is important that by breakfast all the functions of the body return to normal, breathing and heartbeat are restored. Only in this case will your morning run be beneficial to you.
