One of the popular family sports is ice skating. And it's never too late to learn to skate. After all, when skating, a person moves a lot, is in the fresh air, his posture, coordination improves, his movements become more expressive and plastic. You can quickly learn to skate.

Step 1
Learn to transfer the weight of your body from one leg to the other, and bend your legs in time before going out on the ice. To do this, you need to perform the following exercises:
1. Place your hands behind your back and press them firmly against your torso, knees and feet together. Bend your knees and tilt your torso to 45 degrees relative to the floor. Do a couple of squats. Vary your seating height in order to find a comfortable position for yourself.
2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Take your legs alternately (about the length of your step), first to the sides, and then back, while slightly bending them at the knee and placing them on your toes.
Step 2
Walk more often on heels, toes, outer arches of the feet, lunges with the left and right side, cross and "goose" step.
Step 3
Start skating on a skating rink where few people ride.
When going out on the ice, make sure that the socks are turned outward. This is essential for sustainability.
Try to take a few steps, place the blades parallel and try to roll.
Step 4
Try to tilt your body forward.
Master the position of a skater, that is, learn to skate on bent legs.
Make sure that your head is raised when rolling, and your gaze is directed 10-15 m forward.
Step 5
Try to slide on the ice, not run.
Learn to take equal lengths, even steps. Use each step to the end.
Make each new jerk smooth and light, but try not to lose speed.
Remember to transfer the weight of your body when pushing onto your sliding foot.
Step 6
Make sure that your legs do not twist when skating, skates should slide on the ice, not the welts of the boots.
Learn to make turns correctly. All turns must be to the left. Tilt the body slightly to the left, then place your weight on your left foot and place it on the outside of the blade. Then lift your leg and gently place it in front of your right leg, crossing it behind your right leg.
Step 7
Try not to bounce around corners and keep your legs bent at all times.
Learn how to brake: just place the inner edge of the skate against the ice, you can also brake with the back of the skate. Most importantly, be patient and get ready to fall a lot, training will not do without falling. But when you learn to skate, you will understand that it was not in vain that you suffered. This is a real pleasure.