To keep your legs always slender and beautiful, you need to constantly keep them in shape, however, like the whole body. And this requires an integrated approach, consisting of a balanced diet, systematic physical activity and water procedures.

Step 1
If you want to remove flabbiness on your legs, then first prefer intense physical activity. Having brought your legs into the desired shape, you will only have to slightly maintain them in good shape, devoting to exercises for 20 minutes three times a week.
Step 2
Take into account that a regular jump rope, hula-hoop, that is, a hoop, cycling, jogging and swimming, helps with cellulite and sagging tissues on the legs and buttocks. Choose any type of workout you like and do it constantly. After a month of regular exercise, your legs will noticeably change.
Step 3
If you love morning exercises, then the following exercises are suitable for you. Stand on your feet, make 15-20 body bends forward and to the sides. Jump on your toes for a few seconds, do 10-15 squats, and then make circular movements with your hips for a few minutes.
Step 4
Get on all fours, keeping your palms and hips at the same level. Alternately stretch your legs back, raising them to the maximum height and holding them at the top point for a few seconds.
Step 5
Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. At the same time, rotate the feet of both legs inward, while squeezing the buttocks.
Step 6
Lie on your back with your hands on your hips. Slowly lift your straight legs up, keeping them together, and fix in this position for 10-15 seconds. Try not to rest your hands on the floor.
Step 7
Add more fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts to your diet. For drinks, prefer fresh juices, green tea and still mineral water.
Step 8
Try to reduce the amount of chips, croutons, buns, and other fast foods. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits. Instead of animal fats, use vegetable fats, for example, dress the salad with olive / sunflower oil, not mayonnaise. It is better to refuse fried and smoked food altogether, at least for a while.
Step 9
Start taking a contrast shower every morning. It perfectly awakens the body and gives it vigor. In addition, such a shower over time is able to eliminate almost any skin problem, even stretch marks and sagging skin.
Step 10
Don't forget to be creative, smile, and have a humorous attitude towards everything. You can add or subtract something of your own to the transformation program. Or somehow diversify it. For example, while lying in the bath, make a "bicycle".