The stately figure is not only beautiful and attracts attention - it speaks of excellent human health. If the shape of the chest or back is far from generally accepted standards, and you have a great desire to comply with them, show perseverance and patience, and the result will meet your expectations.

Step 1
Correct your posture in time One of the causes of a sunken chest is a violation of the physiological curves of the spine. This is usually accompanied by a stooped back. Correction methods depend on the person's age and the degree of deformity. If the changes are minor and are noticed in childhood or adolescence, do not delay correcting the deficiencies. An important condition for treatment will be good nutrition, outdoor activities and a hard bed. In young people, bone tissue and cartilage are soft, muscles are plastic, so systematic exercise and massage will lead to a positive result.
Step 2
Use a holistic approach to the problem To expand the chest in a mature person, use vigorous therapeutic exercises, exercises in the water, breaststroke swimming and corrective massage.
Step 3
Perform therapeutic exercises In addition to general strengthening exercises, select a special complex aimed at returning the chest to the correct position. Design your activities so that most of the exercise is on the knitting needles - this will help to completely reduce the shoulder blades over time. And movements that stretch the chest muscles will lead the shoulders back. Conduct exercises to adjust the muscle corset at least 3 times a day in various positions: lying on your back, stomach, kneeling.
Step 4
Lying on your back and stomach: Lie on a flat surface with your knees bent and your arms outstretched. Rest your head and palms on the floor and strongly arch your chest. Perform these movements 5-8 times. Turn on your stomach, bend your elbows and fold one palm over the other. Rest your head in your palms, stretch your toes and bring your heels together. Lift your upper torso with your arms outstretched while inhaling without lifting your chin. Repeat the exercise 6-10 times.
Step 5
Kneeling Exercises Kneel down and raise your arms above your head, palms facing forward. Straighten your back, stretch your neck and very slowly, without lowering your arms and head, bend forward as you exhale. Relax your back muscles as your chest touches your knees. Lower your arms, and when your palms touch the floor, lower your head freely. Perform these movements 4-8 times.
Step 6
Prevent changes in the anatomical shape of the chest Position your body correctly: lying down while resting, while walking, while sitting or standing. For example, when sedentary work, you should not entwine your legs and sit bent over. If you have to be at your desk for a long time, lean on the floor with two feet and try to keep your back straight. Take a break every 45 minutes to relieve tension in your back muscles. Lean against the wall with your whole body, feet slightly apart, and stand for a few minutes. This exercise will allow the body to get used to the correct posture.