If we want to control something, first we need to learn how to control ourselves. If we do not learn to manage our internal manifestations, external power will constantly go out of our control. To do this, you need to know your higher self.

We will cognize the Higher Self when we can overcome maya. What must be done to overcome maya? The only thing that can help us in this is will.
Initially, it was the will that gave birth to maya. With its help, we can change maya at our discretion and, in the end, delete it altogether. To use will successfully, we need a certain skill.
Will is present in all of us! To more fully begin to use this grandiose tool, we need to realize its presence within ourselves. What will help us to realize the will?
The "plan-do" principle
There is such an important principle in Raja yoga - "I have done it!" With the help of it, we can reveal volitional manifestations in ourselves. We systematically set goals for ourselves and fulfill them. If we do not, then there must be a reason why we did not do it. This is a good reason, not an excuse!
It so happens that what we have planned to do for ourselves loses its relevance or circumstances change dramatically. In any case, if we want to train the will, then it is imperative to do what we have in mind. And situations when we deviate from the intended goals should appear in exceptional cases and have reasons.
With every planned deed, our will is strengthened, with every unfulfilled planned deed, the will weakens. This must be remembered! In order for us to accomplish most of our goals, it is important to choose the right goals to achieve.
The goal must be real, real in the period of time that we have measured for implementation. Otherwise, we will simply not be able to cope and will lose faith in ourselves. But with each successfully completed point, faith in oneself grows, the will manifests itself more and more, and we already understand better how to work with maya.
Yoga tells us that in order to overcome maya, it is necessary to combine three components. The first is jnana, knowledge, the second is ichha, will, and the third is kriya, action. It turns out that just knowing is not enough.
If we have no will, and we do nothing, then nothing will change. Three components should work at once! Then we will achieve our goals.
When we strengthen the will one by one by the performed action, it will be enough for us to express our will to start the mechanism of the fulfillment of the desired. If our will is strong enough, even hard-to-reach goals will be within our reach.
One more thing. Such a secret from Raja yoga. It is very important to believe in yourself! When we believe in ourselves, we better open our will, overcome maya faster and reach higher levels of development. And doubts often feed maya, prevent us from achieving goals. Therefore, yoga urges us: believe in yourself!