The decision to sign up for a gym comes to so many people. They all dream of having a body attractive to the opposite sex. But not many people think about the need for a specific action plan - a strategy. A spontaneously made decision to buy a subscription usually does not end with anything. Not seeing the results, most quickly give up, citing the fact that their body is not prone to gaining mass. To avoid their mistakes, follow simple basic rules.

Where to begin? The first step in thinking about future workouts in the gym is to make sure that your body is able to withstand future stresses. After consulting with doctors and making sure that no contraindications have been identified, you can safely draw up an individual strategy.
Sports diet
Diet plays a very important role in the process of gaining muscle mass. Your success will depend 70% on your nutrition. So it's worth taking care of putting together a good diet.
Important rules of a sports diet
1. Multiple meals. The daily amount of food consumed should be increased by dividing it into several meals. This will provide the blood with a continuous flow of nutrients. If you try to overpower the same amount of food in 3 meals, then this will be fraught with the accumulation of fat, which will be impossible to lose with such a high-calorie diet.
2. High calorie content. Choose foods with the highest calorie content, this will help free your stomach from unnecessary work. When gaining weight, try to reduce the amount of fruit in your diet. Due to the fiber in them, digestion can be disrupted and most calories will not be absorbed.
3. The correct ratio of nutrients. The main fuel for any organism is carbohydrates, and proteins are the building blocks of muscles. This means that their amount relative to other substances should be much higher than with a regular, balanced diet. Fast carbohydrates, like fats, will accumulate in fat cells, and it will be very difficult to get rid of them.
4. More fluid. With such an intensity of metabolic reactions, the body requires a large amount of fluid. Watch out for dehydration and drink regularly.
The law of gaining useful mass. The start of the growth of muscle fibers begins when the amount of energy absorbed by the body begins to exceed the amount of energy expended. But due to the fact that the body prefers balance, it will be necessary to constantly increase the calorie content of the diet up to 100%.