If you've ever skated at least once, you probably want to repeat this experience. And if you are already confident enough to ride, you are, of course, interested in how to ride in reverse. It is not so much necessary as it is interesting and unusual. But in this case, the most difficult thing is to start, because it is so difficult to control the situation when you rush backwards.

Step 1
First of all, make sure that on the rink on which you will learn to ride in reverse, there is a fence, a bench or a wall that you can hold on to with your hands, as well as not too many other skiers so as not to interfere with your learning, and you are unlikely to be with anyone. then collided. Do not forget about protection: if it is on you, nothing terrible should happen when you fall.
Step 2
When starting your backward riding lessons, do not rush to turn around and go in reverse. To begin with, push off with your hands from any support and roll your back forward. This way you can get a sense of what a person feels roughly when he rolls backwards.
Step 3
Now take the correct position. To feel more stable, place one foot at least half a shoe in front of the other, and keep your legs slightly bent at the knees.
Step 4
Then you can start mastering the technique. So, stand with your back to the direction you are going to go. Think of the movements that you make during your normal forward skating movement. Now do the same thing, just the opposite: put the jogging leg at an angle and push off, but take off take off slightly in an arc.
Step 5
Finally, always keep an eye on where you are going. When riding in reverse, get used to looking over your shoulder. Nothing pleasant will happen when you fall on any baby or old woman.