More About Sports Nutrition

More About Sports Nutrition
More About Sports Nutrition

Video: More About Sports Nutrition

Video: More About Sports Nutrition
Video: Sports Nutrition: Diet and Nutritional Supplements 2024, October

Nowadays, sports are very popular. A large number of new types and subspecies of sports have appeared, and therefore, interest in sports nutrition has increased. However, there are undoubtedly many opinions about what sports nutrition is and whether it is worth adding to the usual diet of an athlete, and they are rather contradictory.

More about sports nutrition
More about sports nutrition

Food supplements that supplement the basic diet of people who are active in sports are called sports nutrition. These include food products, united in one special group, the action of which affects the improvement of results in sports: health promotion; improving metabolism; an increase in muscle volume; endurance; achieving the desired body weight.

These are biologically active additives (dietary supplements), which are a mixture of basic nutritional elements, it takes several times less time for their assimilation by the body than for the assimilation of food familiar to everyone.


Sports nutrition includes:

1- Amino acids. Muscles are made of them. Serves to increase muscle growth and to restore them. Available in various forms: liquid, capsule, tablet, powder.

2- Concentrated protein. Its other name is protein. Proteins are used to build muscle mass and maintain muscle mass during weight loss. Quite easily satisfies the feeling of hunger.

3- Gainers. It is a mixture of carbohydrates and proteins, where the number of carbohydrates takes the leading position. Serves as an assistant for the recovery of energy in the muscles.

4- Creatine. The use of creatine slows down muscle fatigue during training, adds strength and increases the endurance of the exerciser.

5- Fat burners. These are drugs that reduce the amount of fat under the skin by oxidizing the fat cells. When choosing them, you should pay attention that they are classified into light, serious and professional.

6- Minerals and vitamins. This is a complex of drugs that is able to replenish the amount of nutrients in the body.

7- Drugs that increase the amount of testosterone in the body.

8- Drugs that work to strengthen ligaments and joints include collagen, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine.

All these substances are biologically active food additives and, if used correctly, are not capable of harming the body. Like all drugs, they should be taken only after consultation with a specialist who will select the necessary dietary supplement for this case and tell you about its dosage. It should also be remembered that they are not able to completely replace the usual diet.
