The human body consists of two types of masses - fatty and lean. The first includes all adipose tissues, the second - bones, organs and muscles. When losing weight, it is very important to intelligently reduce fat and gain muscle. However, in order for the fight against excess weight to bring positive results, you need to calculate the muscle mass. This is necessary in order to correct it in one direction or another.

It is necessary
- - caliper or vernier caliper;
- - tailor's centimeter.
Step 1
Take your measuring instruments. Start taking measurements with a tape measure. The points to be measured are clearly defined. This is the circumference of the upper arm, forearm, thigh, and lower leg.
Step 2
Measurements need to be carried out only under certain conditions. So, for example, the shoulder circumference should be analyzed in a calm state in the place where the muscles are most developed. The forearm is measured with the arm hanging loose and relaxed at the site of greatest muscle development. Measure the lower leg in the area of the calf muscle in the place where there are most muscles. For calculations on the circumference of the thigh. Stand up straight so that your body weight is evenly distributed on both legs, feet shoulder-width apart. Wrap a tape around yourself under the gluteal crease. The same rules apply to the measurement of subcutaneous fat folds.
Step 3
In addition, measure the thickness of the subcutaneous fat folds in the same places. This should be done either with a caliper or a caliper. Next, you will need a special formula for determining muscle mass, called the Matejka formula. It looks like this: M = Lr²k. Here M means muscle mass, L is a person's height necessarily in centimeters. K in this formula is a constant equal to 6, 5.
Step 4
Under r hides the average value of the circumference of the shoulder, forearm, thigh and lower leg. In order to get it, you need to add the results of measurements of the circumferences of the shoulder, forearm, thigh and lower leg. Then divide the resulting number by 25, 12. Then carry out the same operation with respect to the results of measuring the subcutaneous fat folds. Add all the values together, then divide the resulting number by 100. Then subtract the second from the first calculation. Insert the resulting value into the Matejka formula instead of the letter r.
Step 5
If you also need to determine the percentage of muscles, then use the following formula: (M / P) x 100. P in this case denotes the weight of a person in kilograms.