Ugly buttocks, breeches, cellulite - all these misfortunes are familiar to a huge number of women. Alas, the hips for many of the fair sex are a problem area. And sometimes the whole life is spent in the struggle to look, if not good, then at least decent on the beach in a bikini. Removing deposits from the thighs is not easy. But for a purposeful person, nothing is impossible.

Step 1
Review your eating habits. Refuse meals rich in "empty" carbohydrates, alcohol, starchy vegetables.
Step 2
Reduce the calorie content of your daily portions by replacing "heavy" foods with vegetables, excluding fatty sauces, mayonnaise, and the like. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the body will "fall to the bottom" and begin to save every kilocalorie.
Step 3
Eat fractionally. Just take your entire daily diet and divide it into five to six portions. Each portion is one meal. This will allow you not to experience hunger pangs, since 3-4 hours will pass between meals.
Step 4
Have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. For dinner, it is best to use light, non-nutritive dishes: steamed vegetables, boiled fish, dairy products. Be sure to arrange fasting days.
Step 5
Physical exercise
Do any set of exercises for the hips and buttocks that suits you daily. Exercise for at least 20-30 minutes. If you decide to work out in a fitness club, then the number of workouts per week should be at least three.
Step 6
Load your thighs additionally. For example, when returning from work, get off the bus a couple of stops from your home and walk that distance. Or, get in the habit of running in the morning.
Step 7
Use body wraps to fight cellulite. Scrub problem areas well, then apply slightly warmed natural honey or cocoa powder diluted with water to a mushy state on them, wrap with cling film and leave for half an hour or an hour.
Step 8
Self-massage daily. You can simply knead the deposits with your hands, or you can use various wooden rollers, medical vacuum massagers (cans) and other devices.
Step 9
As a base for massage, prepare an oil mixture consisting of 10 milliliters of base oil (olive, grape seed, wheat germ, etc.) and 2-3 drops of anti-cellulite essential oils. These include citrus oils: lemon, grapefruit, orange.