Fat deposits on the outside of the thighs are sometimes referred to as "breeches" or "ears". This area is not always easy to work with, but regular exercise will help deal with ugly deposits.

First of all, the deposits in the breeches zone are excess fat that is not processed by the body into energy. A complete cardio workout should be the basis of your workout plan in order to get rid of ugly rollers. This is no less than half an hour of running, aerobics, cardiovascular exercises. Strength exercises are also necessary to strengthen the muscles in this area. They can be alternated with cardio workouts or all types of loads can be combined in one lesson.
Try starting your workout with the simplest exercises. To get rid of breeches, it is advisable to perform three approaches for each exercise. The number of repetitions is 15-20.
1. Lunge forward. Step back with one foot for a lunge. The knee of the front leg should be above the heel. Straighten the leg behind, straighten the body, direct the body vertically up. Tilt the body forward, while trying not to change the position of the knee of the front leg, alternately bend the legs to a right angle. Repeat the exercise for both one and the other leg.
2. Lunge to the side. Step your foot to the side and lunge. Try to put your feet parallel to each other. Begin curling with your supporting leg, tilting your torso slightly forward. Alternate bends on different legs, perform several repetitions.
3. Abduction of the leg in a standing position. Straighten up, put your hands on a support or on a belt. Move your leg to the side so that the heel is twisted outward, the abdominal muscles must be drawn in. To make the work of the muscles feel better, start with a static hold, then move on to performing in dynamics - there should be 25-50 repetitions here.