The Tabata Protocol is a training technique developed by the Japanese professor Izumi Tabata. The duration of the session is only 4 minutes, but this is enough to get an excellent result in weight loss.

The training time for the Tabata protocol is 4 minutes. During the lesson, you need to complete 8 exercises. The essence of the training is the alternation of exercises with rest. Duration of exercise - 20 seconds, rest - 10. For convenience, it is better to use a timer, which can be found on the Internet.
Before class, you need to do a little warm-up, and then stretch.
The exercises can be simple (especially for beginners), but they must be performed with high intensity, otherwise there will be no result.
The technique has been successfully used for both weight loss and muscle strengthening.
An example of a Tabata protocol workout:
1. Perform fast deep squats for 20 seconds.
2. Deep lunges in turn on each leg.
3. Back push-ups on the chair: turn your back to the seat of the chair, place your palms on it and do the exercise.
4. Lying on your back, bend your knees, clasp your hands behind your head. Raise your body vigorously.
5. Starting position - as in the previous exercise. Do intense back and glute lifts.
6. The starting position is the same. Raise your head, shoulders, and legs vigorously.
7. Perform deep push-ups.
8. Exercise - "plank" - emphasis on the forearms and toes, the body is tense, the stomach is tightened.
The workout seems simple, but the load is very serious. The secret to the success of the Tabata Weight Loss exercise is intensity. Over time, the body adapts to the load and more complex exercises can be selected. Losing weight using this technique is quite possible.