A common problem associated with being overweight has eclipsed an equally important one - a lack of muscle mass. It is found in young and active people as well as in adults. You can correct the situation in several ways, you need to choose from which, relying on the state of your body.

Step 1
Change your eating habits. In order to gain weight, you will have to consume many more calories than you are used to. This will be the key to success in your endeavor. First, divide your meals five or six times a day. The body must receive food every two to three hours.
Step 2
Try to eat more protein, which will help you gain weight through muscle growth rather than adipose tissue. Introduce low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, meat, eggs, beans, peas, low-fat milk into your diet. Eat these foods daily, but don't be tempted to eat junk food or fatty foods. This approach will lead to the fact that you start to get fat and gain fat, which will look completely unattractive.
Step 3
Go in for sports. To increase weight, you will have to go into strength sports, that is, put stress on the muscles, applying additional weight. This will be reflected in the rapid growth of muscle mass, and, therefore, your weight. Go to the gym and start lifting weights with dumbbells and other equipment. Of course, this should be done under the supervision of a professional, so seek help from the gym trainers.
Step 4
Choose a comfortable weight for the shells and start exercising. Remember that repetition is important here. You need to do three sets of eight to ten reps, depending on your fitness level. Increase the weight, as well as the number of repetitions, gradually, each time resorting to the coach's insurance.
Step 5
Get some rest. Strength training will be effective only if the body will receive time after it for proper rest. Recuperation mainly occurs during sleep, so try to get at least eight hours of sleep a day, and rest in the evening after each workout. Remember that strength training is done at intervals of one to two days. Under no circumstances should you visit the gym every day.