Russian President Vladimir Putin has closely followed preparations for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi from the very beginning. One of the most important decisions made by the President to speed up the construction of sports facilities is the creation in early 2013 of a special state commission for the preparation and holding of the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak was chosen as the chairman of the state commission.

The work of the Commission for the preparation for the Olympics
The President entrusted the commission with the responsibility to address the main issues of preparation for the Games at the federal, regional and local levels. All decisions made by the commission must be carried out without fail by the authorities.
During its work, the commission is obliged to submit to the President reports on what the authorities are doing to prepare and organize the Olympics and Paralympics. One of the latest reports was presented to Vladimir Putin by Dmitry Kozak during a meeting dedicated to preparations for the Games in September, five months before the start of the competition. The President was informed that the construction of sports facilities was 96% complete.
Vladimir Putin said that he was pleased with the work done and hoped for a brilliant holding of the Olympic Games in five months, which will be extremely responsible for the final preparation of all planned events.
Presidential orders
The President instructed the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee to ensure the sale of tickets for the Olympics in all regions of Russia. An important point, Vladimir Putin considers the availability of tickets for Russian citizens, so that everyone has the opportunity to cheer for their country. The President promised to help the authorities organize their sale.
At present, Vladimir Putin considers the quality of service at the Sochi airport to be an important issue, which, according to the president, still leaves much to be desired. As the head of state notes, if the airport is operated by a private company, it must properly monitor the level of service. Dmitry Kozak reacted to the president's words by saying that this problem would be solved by a specially organized operational headquarters to control the quality of transport services.
At an exhibition held in 2013 at the Lenexpo Center, Vladimir Putin examined samples of medals that will be awarded to the winners and prize-winners of the 2014 Games in Sochi, as well as a model of the Olympic torch. The President was satisfied with the samples and approved them.