The sale of tickets for the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi began a year before the start of the event and will be available until its opening on the official website. However, dishonest sellers and resellers are not asleep, so the organizers are taking special measures to avoid speculation in tickets.

Ticket restrictions
The Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee and the Russian Ministry of Sports have introduced a special bill to combat ticket speculation at the upcoming Olympic Games. At the same time, the experience of previous Olympics was taken into account. Fixed prices for all types of tickets, as well as the procedure for their sale, were established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The cost of tickets for competitions in the Mountain Cluster starts from 500 rubles, and in the Coastal - from 1000. The average price for all types of tickets varies from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles. Tickets for the opening and closing of the Olympics cost from 4,500 rubles. The most expensive category “A” tickets can be purchased at a price of 50,000 rubles.
In addition, there is a limit on the number of tickets sold per person. Events such as the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, figure skating and ice hockey can only be purchased with 4 tickets per person. Restriction for other competitions - 8 tickets. A maximum of 50 tickets can be ordered at a time. At the same time, the Organizing Committee of the Olympics urges citizens to pay for the purchase of tickets only with the cards of the official partner of the Games - Visa. It should be remembered that some regions have their own regulations for the sale and purchase of tickets.
Prevention of speculation
Citizens who speculate with tickets at the Olympics will be obliged to pay a fine of up to ten times the cost of the ticket. The fine for private entrepreneurs and officials is twenty times the cost of the ticket. Legal entities held liable for speculation will have to pay from 500,000 to a million rubles, as well as suspend their activities for three months. All of these measures apply to both regular and online ticket sales. All cases of violators will be promptly considered within 10 days. A special bill on speculation will be in effect for another year after the end of the Olympics.
If the revealed cases of violation do not fall under those stated in the draft law, the prosecutor's office will consider them within the framework of the article of the Criminal Code "Fraud". This article, as a sanction, provides not only a monetary fine, but also correctional labor, as well as imprisonment.