Many women bypass gyms for fear that strength training will turn them into masculine creatures with exorbitant muscles. Experts agree that strength training with weights does not harm the female body. They not only help to quickly cope with the problems of excess weight, but also have a beneficial effect on the overall health of a woman.

Someone is confused by the photographs of women bodybuilders who resemble pumped-up men in appearance. Hypertrophied muscles, as a rule, are nurtured by taking anabolic steroids and have nothing to do with ordinary strength exercises. Such figures devoid of femininity are the lot of professionals.
A comprehensive athletic gymnastics program gives women the joy of youth and health. Exercises with dumbbells and a barbell in combination with training on simulators allow you to get rid of extra pounds in the shortest possible time, transform your figure, make your legs slim, and gait light.
The load during strength exercises occurs gradually, in the first months of training, the weight of the dumbbells does not exceed 1-2 kilograms. During this time, the body manages to adapt, later on there is ease and confidence in its actions. It is recommended to train at least two and no more than four times a week, depending on the general fitness of the body and well-being.
In the gym, the trainer-instructor will offer each woman a training program that suits her body type. Medical consultation before signing up for an athletic center is also required.