Squats are a basic sports exercise in which many muscle groups are worked out - the quadriceps, adductors, soleus and others. The exercise is one of three competitive powerlifting exercises. Squat workouts also include athletes involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting, athletics, swimming, hockey and other sports.

It is necessary
Barbell, platform, hard-soled shoes, fixing belt, experienced companion
Step 1
Before starting this exercise, get briefing from a trainer or more experienced athlete. The risk of injury if squatting incorrectly is great. You could break your arm, pinch your spine, or get other damage that will incapacitate you for a long time. Be very careful with your theoretical training. Just before doing the exercise, warm up, prepare your legs and back for work.
Step 2
If you have no experience with barbell squats, start honing a wooden bar technique that mimics the shape of a barbell bar. After you squat more confidently without breaking technique, move on to the Olympic bar squat (20 kg). Once you understand the correct squatting technique in one or two workouts, gradually build up the weight of the projectile. A healthy man should overcome a barbell in squatting with a weight equal to his own.
Step 3
Start your workout with a light weight. Pick up a barbell weighing 50% of your maximum. Do 8 reps to start. Gradually increase the weight and decrease the number of repetitions. If, having mastered the correct technique, you are unable to squat with a barbell comparable to your own weight, temporarily postpone the exercises and engage in general physical preparation - running, swimming, jumping out of a low squat.
Step 4
Improve your results gradually. At first, the growth of your strength indicators will be impressive. The muscles involved in squatting have great potential. In 1-2 years, depending on the selected program and the presence of an experienced trainer, you can double the weight of the barbell in squats. If you continue to train effectively and with a clear goal, squats with a barbell of 200 kg will not be something supernatural for you. In addition to proper technique, pay attention to body recovery, special nutrition and many other nuances that will help you become a high-level athlete.
Step 5
Performing squats regularly will allow you not only to gain muscle mass and become stronger, but also to strengthen the whole body in general, allowing you to avoid problems with the spine and joints in old age. If your goal is to maintain health and not athletic performance, do not overuse very heavy exercise. With many years of very hard training, you can achieve a negative effect on the body.