What Does Body Drying Mean?

What Does Body Drying Mean?
What Does Body Drying Mean?

Drying the body is ridding the body of fats and carbohydrates. The main goal is to give the body a more beautiful look, to highlight the muscles. Most often, bodybuilders resort to drying the body before the competition.

Bodybuilder after drying the body
Bodybuilder after drying the body

Drying the body as a term is most often used among bodybuilders. Usually the body is dried before the competition to remove excess fat. This allows you to showcase your muscles in all their glory. Sometimes a girl's body is dried to look better. Excess fat is removed much more easily by diet than by the most strenuous exercise. Every professional bodybuilder is familiar with dieting in practice.

What is body drying for?

When playing sports, strength or aerobic exercise, the body's metabolism increases. This leads to an increase in muscle mass and fat. Unfortunately, you can't build muscle and lose fat at the same time without dieting.

Drying the body is designed to bring out beautiful muscles. If they are hiding behind the fat layer, then they do not look as impressive as we would like. That is, drying the body is getting rid of fat to give the body a beautiful, almost perfect look.

For people far from sports, drying the body is perceived as getting rid of excess water in the body. In practice, fat is removed as the lean body mass increases. Some professional bodybuilders manage to lose up to 30 kg of total weight in a couple of months, while maintaining the beauty and volume of the muscles.

Is drying the body harmful?

Foods that are suitable for drying the body are practically free of carbohydrates and fats. A diet for drying is called ketone or carbohydrate-free. It is not safe for health. If you treat the process incorrectly, you can greatly harm the body.

In ancient times, some convicts were fed exclusively with meat. After a few weeks, this was fatal, as the body did not receive the necessary fats and carbohydrates.

On the day of the competition, the athlete's body fat is 7-13%. This is very little, it is dangerous to live in such a state for more than a week. Perfect drying is achieved in several stages.

Body drying stages

The first step in drying is a low-carb diet. Protein is consumed about 60%, fat is not more than 20%. The rest remains carbohydrates. The period lasts from one month to one and a half months.

The second stage of drying is called a carbohydrate-free diet. Protein is consumed up to 80%, the rest is allocated to fats.

The third stage of drying is a carbohydrate-free diet and water drainage. Minimum of fats and carbohydrates. Almost all food is protein. In this case, only distilled water is used. You shouldn't try to hold out at this stage for more than a week.

The fourth stage of drying is “carbohydrate loading”. The intake of carbohydrates begins, which in three days can help build muscle to a decent volume. The athlete is ready for the competition.
