Some women are complex about the 0-shaped legs. Of course, it will not be possible to completely eliminate such a deficiency, but simple exercises will help to correct your legs a little and make them more attractive.

Step 1
For a 0-leg shape, a squat with legs wide apart is ideal. Do this exercise every day for a long time, maybe even more than a year. You will see that over time, the curvature has become less noticeable.
Step 2
Every day, every morning, walk on your toes for a minute, then the same amount of time on the inside and outside of your feet. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times.
Step 3
Stand straight. Cross your legs and sit slowly on the floor, then slowly rise. Do it 15-20 times. Change the cross in a different direction and repeat.
Step 4
Turn your face to the wall and alternately swing your legs back. Then turn to the wall sideways, grab it with one hand for an emphasis and swing forward, to the side, back. Repeat 15-20 times. Change position and follow with the other leg.
Step 5
Take the dumbbells in your hands. Stand with your elbows slightly bent and your feet together. Alternate lunges with each leg forward. Do 15-20 repetitions.
Step 6
Place your heels together, toes apart. Take dumbbells or a barbell, bend your arms at the shoulders. Squat on your toes 30-40 times. Try to keep your back straight.
Step 7
Pick up dumbbells, do a deep squat. Make jumps, as if jumping up from this position. Do it 30-40 times with short pauses.
Step 8
Standing straight, in the hands of a dumbbell, perform various jumps. First in place, then turning around the axis, moving forward, to the sides, back. Try to jump as high as possible. Start with 40 bounces, gradually work up to 100.
Step 9
Finish the set of exercises by jogging in place on your toes. Run for 10 minutes at first, gradually increase the duration to 30 minutes.
Step 10
These exercises are suitable for all ages. But if you start doing them at an early age, the result will be much better.
Step 11
Exercise daily, do not interrupt even during a slight discomfort. Then your calf muscles will take on a beautiful shape, and you will stop complaining about the curvature of your legs.