The feeling of hunger is familiar to everyone. It overtakes you imperceptibly and makes you do stupid things, pushing into your mouth what comes to hand. And healthy food rarely comes to hand. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with hunger without drowning out the voice of reason.

Step 1
Eat more often and take small portions. So you will not let hunger run wild, you will be able to reduce the amount of calories consumed, and your liver will have time to process the incoming nutritional energy into kinetic energy.
Step 2
It has been proven that those who skip the morning meal consume an average of one hundred more calories during the day. So don't ignore breakfast. Thanks to him, you will calmly live until lunch, without struggling with the feeling of hunger, and pounce on a hamburger from the nearest diner. If you don't have the energy to make an omelet or porridge in the morning, make sandwiches on grain bread or make a milkshake - chop a banana and any berries and whisk with a glass of milk and a drop of honey.
Step 3
Avoid white bread and pastries. Moreover, do not use them to drown out the feeling of hunger. Foods like these, loaded with fast carbohydrates, make your blood sugar jump like a runaway horse. Namely, the feeling of hunger depends on this indicator. So the feeling of an empty stomach 20 minutes after a cup of coffee with a sweet bun is false. Your stomach is digesting 500-600 kilocalories just at that moment - about a quarter of the daily value.
Step 4
Vegetables and fruits are good, but these foods are hard to get enough of. For optimal blood sugar, the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates should be 30/30/40 percentage. Add a piece of lean meat and a handful of buckwheat to the salad. Numerous experiments show that meat eaters consume on average 400 calories less than vegetarians, since they do not experience such a strong feeling of hunger.
Step 5
Don't forget to drink. A glass of water before you eat will reduce your calorie intake by 15%. Every time, before grabbing a spoon, drink water: sometimes the feeling of thirst is "disguised" as a feeling of hunger. And very successful!
Step 6
Take your time and don't pounce on food like a boa constrictor. It takes about 20 minutes for the hypothalamus to receive a signal from the stomach that it is full. So chew slowly, eating slowly will reduce hunger.
Step 7
People are programmed to eat more than they need to. This is protection in case of hunger times. Smelling food, your nose immediately sends a signal to the brain, which interrupts the signals from the stomach that it is full. The kind of mouth-watering food works the same way. Take food away if you don't want to eat too much. And if you are forced to work surrounded by delicious smells, keep a couple of apples in reserve to kill phantom hunger.
Step 8
Stories about fat people eating grief are not a myth. Stress is one of the reasons for overeating. Do yoga, take a walk. If the urge to have a snack is unbearable, eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir.
Step 9
Physical activity promotes the production of the hormones of joy: serotonin and endorphin. These hormones help manage stress and reduce hunger. Therefore, exercise, and the desire to chew something will not visit you too often.
Step 10
Sleep at least 7, 5 hours a day. Get enough sleep regularly. After a sleepless night, hormones are disrupted and blood sugar levels drop. This makes you want to eat something sweet or salty. So your body compensates for the lack of proper rest.