Unlike women, men have an expressive chest - a disadvantage, not a virtue. And for some of the stronger sex, this is a real problem. But this can be dealt with if you find out the reason and make efforts to normalize your health.

Step 1
A condition in which a man's mammary glands enlarge and begin to resemble women in a sense is called gynecomastia. Often it comes along with being overweight. This increases the amount of estrogens (female sex hormones) in the male body and an increase in subcutaneous fatty tissue. But for a man, the norm is the predominance of male sex hormones (androgens). The advertisements on plastic surgery websites claim that only plastic surgery and liposuction can shrink male breasts. However, this is not a way out of the situation, because the main problem, hormonal imbalance, plastic cannot solve. Therefore, the main task is to normalize hormonal balance.
Step 2
Analyze your diet. An excess of estrogen in men can be caused by the presence in food of a large amount of isoflavones - plant analogues of female sex hormones. A striking example is beer, beloved by many men: hops are considered one of the most "estrogenic" plants. Therefore, it is better not to abuse them - this way you will avoid not only a beer belly, but also possible problems with hormones. Soy is also a food rich in isoflavones. So, first of all, adjust your diet. A nutritionist can help with this.
Step 3
Another cause of excess weight is physical inactivity, lack of movement, as a result of which metabolism and fat burning slow down. After you've thought about your diet, think about exercise. Remember that sports can only be played if you are not overweight in order to avoid heart problems. Physical activity is useful, firstly, because it accelerates metabolism, and a man gets rid of excess fat tissue faster. Secondly, as a result of strength training, the amount of testosterone, the male sex hormone, increases. The best result will be obtained by a combination of aerobic and power loads. When strength training your pectoral muscles, do fewer sets and more reps in one rep - this will help you burn fat faster. If you want to achieve more relief, do the opposite.