What Prevents You From Getting A Slim Body And Beautiful Abs

What Prevents You From Getting A Slim Body And Beautiful Abs
What Prevents You From Getting A Slim Body And Beautiful Abs

During the improvement of your physical and external data, you are faced with internal and external factors. And if external factors (training, diet, rest, etc.) can and should be influenced, then it is much more difficult to influence internal factors. However, they must be taken into account for a more effective return on the use of external factors.

What prevents you from getting a slim body and beautiful abs
What prevents you from getting a slim body and beautiful abs

Speech, you guessed it, will be about genetics or about your individual characteristics. All people are different. Someone is constantly in excellent shape, without even putting significant effort into this, while someone is forced to work hard until the seventh heart rate for the sake of a minimum result. One person progresses very quickly when using physical activity, while another takes much longer to rest between workouts, and progress is much slower. One can eat pastries for the night and looks lean, while the other needs to eat flour once, so that in the morning he wakes up with a "drenched" face. All this, friends, is genetics. It determines our strengths and weaknesses.


Life is the existence of protein bodies. And by existence in the biological sense, we mean the metabolism in our body, which is called metabolism. So, the metabolic rate is a factor that largely depends initially on your genetics. You know that there are people with thin bones and low fat content. These lucky ones have a very fast metabolism and fat does not have time to be deposited under the skin. Such people, as a rule, never follow a diet, eat at night, and still look lean. Because of the very fast metabolism, it is easy for such people to get rid of fat. But it is very difficult for them to increase the size of their muscles.

On the other hand, this is not very critical for the press, because the rectus maximus muscle does not require significant hypertrophy in its size in order to look good. Especially considering the minimal amount of fat in the abdomen of such lucky ones.

Muscle fiber composition

Our muscles are not uniform in composition. They contain white (strength) and red (hardy) fibers. White, they are also called fast, are able to easily increase their size. But red (hardy) fibers cannot boast of this. If you have more white (power) fibers in your abdominal muscles, then it will be much easier and faster to gain shape and size by increasing the muscle. The proportion of fast (white) and red (hardy) fibers is a genetic factor. By the way, in people with thin bones and lean physique, the priority of red (hardy) fibers is more often observed. This is why it is more difficult for these people to increase the size of their muscles.


Whether you are a man or a woman is a very important factor in the development of the press. It is much easier for men due to the presence of a large amount of testosterone (which builds muscles) and due to the small amount of estrogens (female hormones), which like to store fat in reserve in order to secure the bearing of a possible child. In addition, due to these same reasons, women have developed some mechanisms that make it difficult to burn fat in the lower body. And also due to the fact that every month a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen, she has reduced nervous sensitivity in this place, which is the reason for difficulties in the development of the lower abdomen.


The number of years is inversely proportional to the metabolic rate. The more years, the less metabolic rate, and the more difficult it is to dry the abs. On the other hand, if you are over thirty, this is a good reason to exercise and eat right, because these procedures speed up the metabolism. That is why gerontologists prescribe exercise and diet for the rejuvenation of the elderly without fail.


Exercise isn't just about muscle size. This is, first of all, the energy "warming up" (readiness) of your body to digest a new load. Even if you've just been running before, then your body has better energy settings, and a better neuromuscular response. This will allow you to progress much faster than the person who has never lifted anything heavier than the keys to an apartment.


Fat is stored in different places. This factor is not very important. However, if your parents had fat stored mainly in the waist and arms, then you should be wary of the same. Although the most common are classic "problem" zones. For men, this is the belly. For women, these are the hips and abdomen.
