Five Effective Dumbbell Exercises

Five Effective Dumbbell Exercises
Five Effective Dumbbell Exercises

Dumbbells help tighten and strengthen the muscles in your arms, back and chest. Classes with them are convenient because they can be performed in a confined space without safety net and special equipment. In addition, exercises with dumbbells will not take much time, but they will quickly bring a noticeable result.

Five Effective Dumbbell Exercises
Five Effective Dumbbell Exercises

The dumbbell exercise technique for women and men is similar. The only difference is in the weight of the dumbbells and the degree of load, since the fair sex does not need huge biceps and triceps, and men, on the contrary, look very attractive with such volumes.

Before exercising, you must first do a warm-up, warming up the muscles of the upper body, which will avoid possible sprains and various injuries. Exercises from standard gymnastics are perfect for warm-up - raising and lowering the arms, their intense rotation in the shoulder and elbow joints, rotation with the hands, bending in different directions.

Effective dumbbell exercises for the biceps and upper back muscles

One of the most effective exercises is dumbbell curl. To do it, put your feet shoulder-width apart, pull your stomach in, pick up identical dumbbells of a suitable weight in your hands with a neutral grip and lower them to your sides, turning your wrists forward. Press your elbows and shoulders against your torso so that they do not move during the exercise. Then, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders at least 20 times.

Take the starting position, as in the first exercise, and then bend your knees slightly and tilt your upper body forward, leaving your back straight. Then perform shoulder-to-shoulder dumbbell lifts at least 25 times.

Exercises for the triceps and back muscles

To tighten your triceps, stand up straight or sit on a bench. Raise one hand from the dumbbells up, and then put it behind your head to the opposite shoulder, fixing it at the bottom point for a couple of seconds. Perform this exercise at least 20 times, then change your hand.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms with dumbbells at chest level. Inhaling, raise your straight arms above your head, then pull them back as much as possible, fixing the position for a few seconds, and return your arms to their original position as you exhale.

Effective pectoral and deltoid exercises

To strengthen your chest muscles, lie on a bench or stools placed together so that your upper body is on a flat surface, your legs are bent at the knees, and your feet are firmly on the floor. Pick up dumbbells with a neutral grip and spread them to the sides so that your arms are slightly lower than your torso. Then perform lifting of arms slightly bent at the elbows, fixing them at chest level for a few seconds.
