A beautiful figure is the result of constantly working on yourself. It is important not only to carefully monitor your diet, but also to exercise. But not all people have the opportunity to visit fitness clubs in order to exercise there on simulators. Therefore, in recent years, simulators for home workouts have become increasingly popular.

What are the simulators?
All exercise equipment can be divided into two categories - strength and cardio. The first units are aimed at developing muscle and strength, and the cardioline helps to strengthen the heart and respiratory system, as well as burn excess fat.
For exercises at home, in order to maintain the health of the body and tone the body, cardiovascular equipment is purchased. Those people who are going to seriously engage in sports and build muscle mass cannot do this without strength equipment. But such citizens rarely study at home; they prefer specialized clubs with a large set of equipment. But for people who just want to get in shape, they will quite cost a cardio equipment, a set of dumbbells, an expander and a fitball.
What to buy as a home exercise machine?
Before going to the store for a home simulator, it is important to decide on the place where, in fact, this unit can be put. For those people who have big problems with free space, a ministupper can become an ideal home exercise machine. The two-pedal design can be easily stowed away under a sofa or crib after class. The price of such a simulator does not hit the pocket, and the effect of the exercise, provided that the person will not be lazy, is very good. The stepper works great for the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and lower legs. There are models with levers that help load the torso, but these are more bulky machines. On some versions of the ministepper, rubber bands are provided, they also work on the shoulders, back and arms. Before buying a simulator, it is recommended to test it in a store, unfortunately, not all models are easy to use.
If there is enough space in the apartment, then it is worth giving preference to the elliptical trainer, which experts consider not only more effective for weight loss, but also the most gentle for the joints and the spine. All movements that are performed on an ellipse are smooth and similar to ski walking. The simulator will help to work out the legs, they receive the maximum load, and also uses the muscles of the back, arms and shoulder girdle.
The treadmill is also very popular as a home exercise machine. After folding models appeared, demand increased significantly. Such a simulator can be recommended for those who like to run, but in the cold season cannot bring themselves to train outside. But people with spinal problems should not buy a track, it strains the back and is contraindicated for such citizens.
An exercise bike is suitable for cardio training at home. Their price is higher than that of treadmills and ellipses, but the efficiency is not so high. When exercising on a stationary bike, the calf muscles and muscles of the thighs are included in the work. The upper body is completely unused. When exercising, it is important to monitor your posture and pedal correctly. The back should remain flat throughout the workout, and the legs should not be straightened to the end.