How To Choose A Professional Tennis Racket

How To Choose A Professional Tennis Racket
How To Choose A Professional Tennis Racket

To choose a professional tennis racket, you need to be a professional already. As a rule, such people do not need special recommendations, they themselves know very well what they need. But if you are not yet sure of your knowledge, and you want to approach the choice responsibly, then some useful information will be very useful.

How to choose a professional tennis racket
How to choose a professional tennis racket

Determine your level

It is impossible to choose a good racket if you do not consider your skill level. Tennis players are conventionally divided into three groups:

- zero level, or those who play no more than once every few months;

- amateurs and beginners - people who know the basics and are serious about improving their level;

- experts are people who participate in competitions and tournaments.

In order to select the right racket, it is useful to know about its most important characteristics, which are very different from those of table tennis rackets.

Racket balance

To determine balance, mentally divide the racket in half along its length, and then place it with its midpoint on your index finger. If the racket is level, it is center-balanced. This is a versatile option.

When the handle is heavier, it is balanced into the handle. This racket is good for playing closer to the net, and is suitable for players who like difficult techniques. If the head outweighs, then it is the balance in the head. This racket may seem heavier and is suitable for those who prefer playing on the back row.

The balance should be chosen based on the characteristics of your playing style. If you're unsure, buy a center-balanced racket.


The racket head can vary in size. It is on him that the so-called size of the playing spot depends - this is the area of the strings, when hitting which it is easiest for you to control the strength and accuracy of the strike. The larger the head of the racket, the easier it is to hit the playing spot. The smaller the head, the more accurate the strikes, but this option is recommended only for professionals, while for beginners it will be difficult to control the strike with such a racket.

Racket weight

Rackets are light and heavy. Lighter ones allow you to play fast and agile, but you have to make wider swings for strong and powerful hits. Heavy racquets allow you to give the ball more momentum, but it is no longer so easy to handle them.

Nowadays, manufacturers of professional racquets strive to lighten their weight as much as possible.

Features of a professional racket

Pay attention to the tournament rackets, a series of which every serious manufacturer has. Further focus on your requirements and wishes for the rackets.

You cannot recommend a professional to follow certain tips, since he himself knows best which of the indicated parameters should be present on his racket.

The peculiarity of professional rackets is that the head on them is usually small - midsize, and the net is very rigid. This allows you to perfectly control the blow, but only if you know how to do it. For non-professionals, such rackets are more likely to be dangerous, as they impair the quality of the game and lead to injuries to the elbow joint. Strong vibrations will constantly be communicated to the hand due to the inaccuracy of the blows, which is fraught with the development of joint diseases. And hitting the ball is more difficult when the racket has a small head.
