How To Remove The Sides

How To Remove The Sides
How To Remove The Sides

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The sides quickly become overgrown with fat, even with regular fitness classes. This is due to the fact that their training is usually paid little attention. And in everyday life, the oblique abdominal muscles are rarely loaded. It is possible to remove the sides only by purposeful workouts in combination with a balanced diet.

How to remove the sides
How to remove the sides

It is necessary

Gymnastic hoop and gymnastic stick


Step 1

Rotation of the pelvis and torso helps to burn fat in the waist area. To perform rotations, stand up straight and place your hands on your belt. Lean forward slightly and do 10-20 torso rotations to the right, then to the left. Do not bend too far back so as not to injure the lumbar vertebrae. Then rotate the pelvis in a circle, 20 times in each direction.

Step 2

Almost all the muscles of the trunk are involved in the rotation of the hoop. Use a medium-weight hoop so that it doesn't feel too light and does enough muscle strain. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place the hoop at the level of your waist and begin to rotate in a circular motion of your hips. You can cross your arms over your chest or behind your head. Rotate for 5-20 minutes. The longer, the more effect you will achieve.

Step 3

Prepare a gymnastic stick. Sit on the bench with your feet on either side of the bench. Place the stick over your shoulders. As you exhale, turn your torso to the right, inhale - ip. On exhalation - turn to the left, inhale - I.p. Perform torso turns at a pace of at least 50 times. You can gradually increase the number of repetitions, bringing them to 100.

Step 4

Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Gym stick on the back. As you exhale, tilt your torso to the right. On inhalation, return to I. P. Repeat the same to the left. Do 25 bends to each side. Then 25 quick bends only to the right and the same amount to the left. This exercise can be done without a stick: hands are clasped behind the head, elbows to the sides.

Step 5

Follow a rational diet. Eat small meals 4-5 times a day. Give preference to natural products: fresh fruits, vegetable salads, fermented milk products, dietary meat and fish. Avoid smoked, oily, and salty foods. Limit your consumption of muffins, pasta, and white bread. Refrain from eating for 1.5 hours after training. Drink one and a half liters of clean water a day.
