How To Sail A Boat

How To Sail A Boat
How To Sail A Boat

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Since ancient times, people have tried to diversify their surroundings with various useful devices that facilitate life. Transport is one of the varieties of such technological assistants. Different types of transport are indispensable in certain conditions. Let's find out how you can navigate the water using a boat.

How to sail a boat
How to sail a boat


Step 1

Get a boat or rent from the boat station.

Step 2

Deliver the boat to the shore. To do this, use a trailer or order delivery. Put the inflatable boat in a backpack, not forgetting to take the pump.

Step 3

Provide a life jacket. It will come in handy if you find yourself in the water far from the coast.

Step 4

For cases when the hull of the watercraft is damaged, or the waves throw water into it, take a convenient container to scoop the water overboard.

Step 5

Launch the boat. The inflatable boat must first be inflated with air.

Step 6

Check the presence of oars (if the boat provides for it), the anchorage of the masts (in the case of a sailing boat), and if it is large, the presence of anchor cargo. Install the motor on the motor boat if it is removable. Refuel in accordance with the instructions supplied with it, observing fire safety regulations.

Step 7

Climb into the boat, being careful not to turn it over. Pull the anchor out of the water or untie it.

Step 8

For a rowboat, insert the oars into the oarlocks. Position yourself comfortably with your back toward the bow of the boat. In a motor boat, sit at the rear of the motor.

Step 9

Start paddling alternately or synchronously, or start the engine or spread the sail and catch a fair wind.

Step 10

Periodically correct the direction of movement: for a sailboat - with sails, for a motor boat - by changing the rotation around the axis of the motor mount, and for a rowboat - by exerting less effort on the oar of one of the sides.

Step 11

Be an attentive captain, avoid various obstacles that are possible in the water - shallows, driftwood, dense thickets of algae and the like. If possible, find out in advance a safe route from your starting point to your destination. Or at least ask what are the best places to avoid for the type of boat you're sailing on.