How To Choose Running Shoes For Fitness

How To Choose Running Shoes For Fitness
How To Choose Running Shoes For Fitness

The effectiveness of fitness classes depends not only on the intensity of training or the correct psychological mood, but also on sportswear, and especially shoes. Since a significant proportion of the load falls on the legs, it is very important that fitness sneakers are comfortable, do not complicate training, but, on the contrary, bring only pleasure.

How to choose running shoes for fitness
How to choose running shoes for fitness

Just as in the wardrobe there are several pairs of shoes for different occasions - “going out”, to the office, everyday, for walking - so sneakers should be for different types of fitness.

Running shoes

During running, the feet are subjected to tremendous impact, and especially the heels, which survive hundreds of hits on the ground. To minimize the risk of injury when jogging, it is worth purchasing special running shoes with a cushioning sole. Moreover, the greater the weight of a person, the more shock-absorbing elements should be. Another important point not to be overlooked when choosing a running shoe is stance.

What are the options for staging? Overpronation when the inner side of the foot turns inward, supination when the bulk of the weight is transferred to the outside of the foot, and neutral pronation when the leg remains level. Defining your setting is very simple - just look at your casual shoes and determine which side of the sole is worn out more. Choosing a running shoe should take into account pronation - they should put the foot in a neutral position.

These recommendations are also suitable when choosing sneakers for team sports associated with a high level of mobility - tennis, volleyball, football, basketball.

Aerobics sneakers

Unlike monotonous running, aerobics involves different types of active physical exercise. The ankle joints are subject to great stress. You can reduce the risk of injury by using sneakers with a high top and a tight fit on the lower leg. At the same time, the sneakers should be lightweight and breathable. And since in aerobics most of the exercises are associated with different types of steps, shock absorbers should be not only in the heel area, but also on the toes.

Pilates Sneakers

Yoga, Pilates, body flex belong to the psychophysical types of fitness, which presuppose, first of all, the harmony of the physical, mental and spiritual components of a person. These types of fitness are best done without shoes. For example, most Pilates exercises are performed in a special Pilates foot position, with the socks spaced fist-apart from each other. This position is quite difficult to perform correctly in sneakers.

In addition, barefoot training promotes better performance of exercises that develop strength, balance and flexibility.

General recommendations

No matter what kind of fitness you are doing, running shoes must meet quality requirements. The sole of sports shoes should be moderately stiff and elastic at the bend of the foot, and the material should be natural, lightweight and breathable. It is better to choose shoes with laces - this way you can adjust the level of fixation of the foot. It is better to buy sneakers in the evening, when the foot becomes a little larger. The toes of your sneakers should be elastic. Press down on the toe with your finger. If there is a dent, put them back on the shelf.
